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  1. Hello Rajshekar ji I am already wearing the ring. Can you please tell me if I am having any problems in my horoscope for this delay and mental tensions. Thanks for your reply
  2. Jai Sriram I badly need you help and guidance. My DOB is 18th oct, 1980 born at 4:06pm in Eluru, India Can you please tell me when can I have kids as i am desperate from the past 2 years and could'nt succeed. No miscarriages or problems just wont get pregnant. Can you please advise Thanks for your help and suggestions
  3. Hello Can you give me some advise My DOB is 18th oct 1980 , at 4:06pm Can you please tell me when can I have kids, trying from the past 1 year but no success. Please let me know the possibilities as I am desperate. Thank you very much
  4. Hello Ashish Thank you for providing us this free advice. My DOB is 18/10/80 at 4:06pm in Eluru , india My husband's DOB is 22/1/75 can you please advise me the possibilities of conceiving -- trying from the past 1 year but could not succeed. Thanks for you time and effort
  5. Hi Surenth my birth time is correct , my husbands is around that time. Thank you
  6. I have already posted this before but accidentally wrote wrong date of births. I am trying to conceive from 1 year but can't. The test results are all good and no problems at all. Never had any miscarriages. My birthdate is 18th october 1980,<?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /><st1:time Hour="16" Minute="6">4:06pm</st1:time> is the time. My husband: <st1:date Month="1" Day="22" Year="1975">22nd jan 1975</st1:date> time:around 1:20am Can you help me and advise the possibilities of having a kid. Thank you very much
  7. Sorry Moorthi ji , I have accidentally typed my year of birth wrongly.Below are the correct details of mine and my husband- can you please check our dasas again and let me know the possiblity of having a child Mine; 18th october 1980 time 4:06pm My husband: 22nd jan 1975 time : around 1:20am thanks for you help
  8. Thanks for this Moorthi - will see how it goes
  9. Hello Everyone, CAN ANYONE PLEASE HELP ME I am new to this forum and please help me. I am trying to get pregnant from 1 year but can't. The test results are all good and no problems at all. My birthdate is 18th october 1981 4:06pm is the time- eluru india Can you help me and advise
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