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  1. i just posed a possibility coz one of my family member too suffered from a same problem and disappointment and losted most of his precious time. my suggestion is to just (also) think about it.
  2. thanks sir, kindly tell me about MTP. also make sure that santaan sukh is there in my life..
  3. astro_tec sir thanks for ur kind reply . pls make sure that santaan sukh is there in my life.. somy
  4. plz read this : 1- i was married on jan 2007. i also faced some complications, due to that i have to terminate my baby.when i will concieve. when is the right time for that? 2- i am also not happy from my married life. i was working before marriage, but after marriage, because of pressure from my husband , i had to leave that job and sit home. this is very unsatisfactory,b'coz i was always working.sometimes i think that if there is no hope for happiness , why we are living togather.. i want to know that will there b any changes in my future? is this marriage safe ? what should i do for happiness and my husband's mood ? details: name : somy my date of birth : 23/04/1976 my birth time : 7:40 AM place of birth: BASTI (UTTAR PRADESH) my husband's (Anubhav)details : date of birth : 27/09/1972 birth time : 2:30 AM place of birth : UDAIPUR(RAJASTHAN) I NEED YOUR HELP SIR. I AM BECOMING FRUSTRATED DAY BY DAY. WAITING FOR YOUR KIND REPLY.
  5. give your 100% to your efforts aparts from puja. ask from yourself that -have you given almost everything yo your efforts? -are you taking feedbacks where you applied for? -are you having confident upon yourself that if you dont get a job , then also you have the abilities to fill stomach of your family. Try some self work frm small scale. may be service is not written in your bhagya. all the best.
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