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  1. Anadi prabhu thanx for a post, hope by your mercy and Krsna i could realise and follow this in KC ,
  2. I am still a visitor /images/graemlins/frown.gif
  3. Thanx a lot Prabhu's for your inspirational replies,
  4. Thanx a lot Prabhu's for your inspirational replies,
  5. Please help me how , to chant and remember Krishna when Mind wonders like Wind. How to overcome the Maya ? and how to get inspired from books of Srila.Prabhupada.
  6. Please help me how , to chant and remember Krishna when Mind wonders like Wind. How to overcome the Maya ? and how to get inspired from books of Srila.Prabhupada.
  7. Lord Rama is not an Ordinary man so that you go speculating and write a book on it. peace. Hare Krishna
  8. Lord Rama is not an Ordinary man so that you go speculating and write a book on it. peace. Hare Krishna
  9. Do little exercise that too in small sets,, so that u dont over strain urself,, Better join a gym with a proper trainer to guide you ,,Be steady.. Hare Krishna
  10. i just keep on watching what Devottes do and how one should take the essence and get inspired from it
  11. i just keep on watching what Devottes do and how one should take the essence and get inspired from it
  12. All Glories to Srila.Prabhupad. I read this sometime back, about Krishna's past-times in Mathura and Vrndhavan. In Mathura Krishna is decorated with Gold, and Jewellary. But in Vrndhavan, the Lord doesnt wear ornamental things and has his peacock feather to his crown, and attired pitambara. The gopis and gopas in Vrndhavan have no much wealth as the occupants of Mathura. The people of Vrndhavan have the transcedental sublime love of Krishna accompanied by Srmati Radha Rani. The people of Mathura also have the love of Krishna but with Sri Laxmi. I think i dont know how to explain this.
  13. All glories to Srila.Prabhupad. I have been discreetly been a devotee chanting on and off, but still i revert back to my old ways. Can someone help,
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