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  1. curioushindu


    Hello everyone: My question tonight is: If in your family lineage you have the hindu manifestation, is it possible that you have to perform the african worship as well? Is this a possibility? Is the mother of the sea the same as the african sea goddess? How does this happen? What does all of this mean? It was mentioned to a family member that this must be done. Needless to say, the family member is not utterly confused. Can anyone shed some light on this? Thanks. namaste.
  2. Namaste everyone! Can anyone enlighten me on the worship of Shri Maha Kali Maa? Like which day is dedicated to her? And on Shri Kateri Maa? Is Kateri an avatar of Bhagwan Vishnu? I am curious and would like to learn more on the spiritual side of hinduism.. Thanks in anticipation.
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