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Alok Bhardwaj

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  1. 12-3-1975 13:05PM, DELHI SHANI/GURU/SURYA Problem started in June 2008. Lost job on 30 Aug. No job despite good Shukra AD till Jan 09. Pls suggest expected time to get a job. Year 2009 is suggested as a good career year but 2 months left wihtout any result. Pls suggest. Thanks Alok
  2. I am working professional in telecom sector for 10 yrs. I love doing job but Do i have any scope for doing business ? Related to Transport, Iron,Electricity or Accessories? Can i do investment in Land/Real Estate ? by when ? Alok 12-03-1975 13:05pm Delhi
  3. No astro tech, not yet !! I am desparately waiting for it. Opportunity seems coming in my way in terms of jobs consultants keep calling me and taking my bio data to forward to telecom companies. But no direct call from any company so far. I am patientely waiting for it as per your advice that i should get something in hand by mid oct. I have started the remedies suggested by you. Anyway thanks for showing concern. I would update/feedback you once i get anything in hand. Thanks Alok
  4. USR Sir, Your predictions are absolutely correct !!! Narration of result of planet'slacement is quite right. Does correction in birth time from 1:05pm to 12:50pm changes the result at a very large scale ??? as I feel all your analysis and predictions are as per my expectations and matches with the different event of my life. Since I have been under Shani Mahadash, I was wearing "Neelam" since last 6 years and I felt good after wearing it. Now I have removed it. As per your advice I am wearing 7 crt Emrald for last 6 months as per my ascendent Mithun and its lord Budh. And I pray HAnumanji on Tuesday and chant mangal mantra ( Om Bhom Bhomahya Namah:)3 Mala every tuesday. Only things which I had NOT done so far is : 1. Pray to Vishnu 2. Not wear pearl so far 3. Pray of Shiv/Parvati on monday. from now on I would surely apply both the the remedy mentioned above. Thank You Sir.
  5. Dear All, Thanks for sharing thoughts.. We are on the same platform of understanding of basic wellbeing and upbringing of the person to achieve the goal in life. All collective efforts turn in righ direction if goal is determined well before.... Deepa ji, please narrate the chart and suggest the scope of choosing the career line. Thanks
  6. All Respected Astrologers, I am attaching the details of a baby girl born on 1 Sept 2008, 22:32pm, Ghaziabad.UPHer life is under danger zone. This baby had 3 FITS in last 12 hours after her birth (I don’t know the clinical name the disease) she is still under CRITICAL observation. Her parents are in deep sorrow because Doctors have asked them to pray almighty for saving the life of child. Please suggest following:1. Is there any chance of survival for this baby?2. If yes, then will she have to suffer from this disease for entire life?3. What is the remedy to cure / control fits in spiritual / astro aspect?Her parent’s details also attached for reference:Father :10-10-1977, 11:05am, GhaziabadMother :18-06-1978, 5.30am, bilaspurPlease reply urgentlyAlok Bhardwaj
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