All Respected Astrologers, I am attaching the details of a baby girl born on 1 Sept 2008, 22:32pm, Ghaziabad.UPHer life is under danger zone. This baby had 3 FITS in last 12 hours after her birth (I don’t know the clinical name the disease) she is still under CRITICAL observation. Her parents are in deep sorrow because Doctors have asked them to pray almighty for saving the life of child. Please suggest following:1. Is there any chance of survival for this baby?2. If yes, then will she have to suffer from this disease for entire life?3. What is the remedy to cure / control fits in spiritual / astro aspect?Her parent’s details also attached for reference:Father :10-10-1977, 11:05am, GhaziabadMother :18-06-1978, 5.30am, bilaspurPlease reply urgentlyAlok Bhardwaj