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  1. hi deepaji/ bhaaskaran thnaks a lot for the reply, can you plz teel me what is kanta shani. on net when i searched for kanta shani , i found this The transit of Saturn in some of the houses in the natal horoscope is highly dreaded. During such unfavourable transits, the native faces tremendous odds in different aspects of life such as Career, finances, family etc. and Saturn makes the person remember god's name. Even though such transits are terrible materialistically, spiritually they are uplifting as Saturn cleans up the native from all past sins and give him chance to live a life with righteousness in later days. However, the transits are not as bad for all the natives, since it depends on how badly Saturn is afflicting the horoscope. is this true,can u plz tell me how badly saturn is placed and how i am affected by it, can u plz tell tell me when will kanta shani get finished? when saturn transit into virgo? when do i get settled in carrier and finacially ur advice is of gr8 help thanks a lot
  2. hi deepaji, usr ji i had a serious setback in carrier, had break in education. can you plz tell me when will i complete my education, overview of my carrier, will i go abroad. i am facing problems finacialy too, some one said this is because of rahau mahadasa and sani antradasa, is it so, plz help me. DOB: 10-nov-1984 time 02-02 am place vijayawada (andhra pradesh) i am curently wearning ruby. plz help thanks a llot
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