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  1. Eklavya was the best, Karna was better than the best,&....... Arjuna was BEST OF THE BEST!!!! It is rightly said that human beings have an inborn tendency of displacing the best with the better & vice versa despite knowing the fact that better will remain better & the truth that best will remain the best!!!!They cant see the best to remain as the best...instead they do all possible efforts to bring up with all rubbish propagandas to proove that truth is not true & true is not truth!!What more pathetic is that they hippotise the entire scenario to create a mirage where false looks truth & truth looks wrong!!! The same ineffective effort is being exercised here...All these budhha imposters r living in their own fool paradise by making Karna seems to be a better archer than Arjuna & that too by merely babbling their own artificial frustation! TO ALL THOSE NEGLIGIBLE NO. OF HYBRID SPECIES WHO R STILL DAY DREAMING THAT KARNA WAS BETTER ARCHER THAN ARJUNA::::: 1.)Karna unlike Arjuna,was born with a kavach & kundan blessed by his father Surya Deva due to which no enemy no matter how strong,mighty or powerful that opponent be,cant even think of killing karna & he will be invicible in battle!!!The point to be noted here is that KARNA DIDN'T DO ANY PENANCE OR TAPAS OR ANY OUTSTANDING ACT OF FEATS TO OBTAIN THAT KAVACH & KUNDAN....Surya gifted Karna with an armour ('Kavacha') and a pair of earrings ('Kundala') which dipped in Amrit, which were attached to him from BIRTH....Arjuna was not gifted any such kavach or kundan by birth..afterall he is quite capable of defending himself with his own arrows rather than a by birth gifted kavach...had this kavach with arjuna,he also would be invicible as karna!!This development was nothing less than a partionality!! But as we have heard a famous saying in hindi"samay se balvan koi chizz nahi hai"....& "eshvar ke saamne sabhi jiv barabar hote hain".....Hence Karna was bound to give up his kavach & kundan as a 'dan' in order to keep the spirit of his 'dan dharm' alive to Indra who came as a beggar to take away that kavach & kundan...But instead Indra , shamed into generosity by Karna's gesture, reciprocates by giving Karna the boon to use Indra's most powerful weapon, the Vasavi shakti, but only once & that too he preserved it to kill Arjuna becoz he also knew that he cant kill Arjuna merely by his feats!!!In a nutshell karna retained his kavach & kundan in the form of vasava shakti!!Yet again karna was bound to use that shakti against Gatotkach & finally KARNA WAS LEFT WITH WHAT HE DESERVED TO BE LEFT WITH-NOTHING BUT HIS LAST HOPE-THE NAGASTRAM....!!AGAIN GOD & TIME MAKE SURE THAT JUSTICE IS GRANTED TO BOTH THE PARTIES-KAURVAS AS WELL AS PANDAVAS...AS A MATTER OF FACT THE DARING RAKSHAS GATAOKACH WAS KILLED FROM PANDAVAS SIDE WHICH RELIEVED KAURVAS & ARJUNA WAS SAVED IN ORDER TO NULLIFY THE DEATH OF GATOTKACH!!IN A NUTSHELL GOD & TIME GAVE JUSTICE TO BOTH-KAURVAS & PANDAVAS!!! ALL THESE DEVELOPMENTS WERE NOT AN INJUSTICE TO KARNA BUT A CIRCULAR NULLIFICATION OF SURPLUS GIFTS THAT KARNA GOT WITHOUT ANY PENANCE & THAT HE DIDN'T DESERVE TO POSSES-THE KAVACH & VASAVI SHAKTI!!!AFTERALL GOD & TIME DID JUST THE JUSTICE BY TAKING AWAY HIS KAVACH & VASAVI SHAKTI WHICH SOME ROTTEN DICK HEADED PEOPLE THINK AS AN ACT OF INJUSTICE!!THIS JUST PROOVE THE FACT THAT ALL SUCH PEOPLE R CHALLENGING THE MIGHT OF GOD & THE DUTY OF TIME!! 2.)Again pandav's mother 'KUNTI' didn't begg Karna to grant the life of his pandavas brothers..THE WORD 'BEGG' WHICH SOME SICK PEOPLE HERE WROTE WAS COMPLETELY NONSENSE!!NO MOTHER WILL LIKE TO SEE THAT UNFORTUNATE DAY WHEN HER SONS TO SPELL BLOOD OF EACH OTHER & KUNTI ALSO WAS NO DIFFERENT!!!SHE DIDN'T BEGG BUT SHE DID WHAT A NORMAL LOVING MOTHER WILL DO AT SUCH AN UNFORTUNATE EVENT!!SHE DID JUST HER DHARM TO STOP THIS WAR OF BLOOD!!& TIME & BHAGVAN THUS PROVIDED KUNTI A PLATFORM TO MAKE KUNTI DO HER DHARM & TESTED WHETHER KARNA ALSO RETAIN HIS DAN DHARM OR NOT!!!FORTUNATELY BOTH KUNTI & KARNA SUCCESSFULLY RETAINED THEIR RESPECTIVE DHARM OF A MOTHER & A DANVIIR!!!THEIR IS NO QUESTION OF BEGGING OR INJUSTICE INVOLVED!!! THE POINT TO BE NOTED HERE IS THAT KARNA TOO KNOW THE VERY FACT THAT THAT UNTILL ARJUNA IS ALIVE KAURVAS CANT WIN THE KURUSHETRA WAR AT ANY COST...THUS HE ASSURED KUNTI THAT HE WILL NOT KILL ANY PANDAVA EXCEPT ARJUNA...THUS IN BATTLE WHETHER KARNA DIES OR ARUNA GET KILLED,KUNTI WILL ALWAYS HAVE 5 SONS-EITHER HE OR ARJUNA AS KUNTI HAD EARLIER REQUESTED & BY DOING THAT KARNA ALSO MADE SURE HIS LOYALITY TO HIS DEAR FRIEND DURYODHAN TO MAKE DURYODHAN THE WINNER IN KURUSHETRA WAR BY KILLING ARJUNA & KARNA ALSO OBEYED HIS DAN DHARM BOTH AT THE SAME TIME & AT THE SAME CRTICAL JUNCTURE!!!BUT AS A WOMAN & MOST IMPORTANTLY AS A MOTHER,KUNTI REQUESTED KARNA TO USE NAGASTRAM ONLY ONCE BECOZ BESIDES BEING A MOTHER OF KARNA SHE WAS A MOTHER OF ARJUNA TOO & SHE TOO HAD LOVE FOR ARJUNA!!!HENCE THIS DOES NOT SHOW THAT KUNTI WAS AFRAID THAT ARJUNA WILL BE KILLED BY KARNA...SHE DOES THE RIGHT THING WHAT NEEDED TO BE DONE AT THAT UNFORTUNATE SITUATION BY A MOTHER!! IF U ALL PEOPLE HAD STILL SOME DOUBT LEFT ASK TO UR MOTHERS WHAT THEY WILL DO AT SUCH A CRITICAL & UNFORTUNATE JUNCTURE & U WILL GET TO KNOW ABOUT KUNTI'S MENTAL SITUATION AT THAT TIME!!! 3.)It is to be throughly noted that EVEN THOUGH IF karna WAS ABLE TO recall the mantras to unleash the BRAHMASTRA that he required the most(though he was not able to recall as karna was cursed by his guru Parshuram),Arjuna would have replied it with Pashupatastram that he got from lord Shiva....But then it would lead to distruction of the world as it earlier rumoured during the battle between ASHWATTHAMA & ARJUNA when ashwatthama took out his Brahmastra & Arjuna replied it with Pashupata but fortunately it didn't happen as Pashupata was withdrawn by Arjuna & Brahmastra was diverted from Arjuna to Uttari's womb!!!! Once again God & Time didn't allow this destruction of the world to take place!!!Thus neither Time nor the God did no injustice to karna or anybody else & just prevented the world from destruction from the collision of 2 irrestible astras-The Brahmastra & tha Pashupatastra!!! 4.)It is to be noted that arjuna was also called ‘Vibhatsu’ becoz once arjuna get angry,no body can get spared from his arrows…..now the same applies in kurushetra war as well……well let us start from the beginning the war between Karna & Arjuna… They both bring this terrible and personal rivalry to a climactic battle of terrifying proportions. For a long, long time, poweapons are discharged by the two warriors a terrifying pace without relent. The prowess and courage of both is marvelled by the millions of other soldiers. Karna knowing that he cannot kill Arjuna by any means he takes out his snake arrow to kill Arjuna. He uses this snake arrow against arjuna but snake aswasena whose mother was killed by arjuna enters that arrow and tries to kill Arjuna. But the Lord Krishna saves his friend and devotee Arjuna at this crucial juncture. Then ARJUNA BECOMES MAD WITH ANGER & TAKE HIS 'VIBHATSU' FORM & RAINS INNUMEROUS ARROWS AT KARNA & WOUNDS HIM BADLY. NOW NOTICE THE FOLLOWING VERY CAREFULLY: AFTER HAVING BEING INJURED BADLY BY ARJUN’S ARROWS,FRUSTATED KARNA ASKS HIS CHARIOTER SHALYA TO TAKE HIS CHARIOT MORE NEAR TO ARJUNA’S CHARIOT!!BUT AS A RESULT OF A CURSE KARNA’S CHARIOT WAS SWALLOWED BY EARTH…. Then Arjuna is urged by Lord Krishna to kill Karna when he is attempting to raise his chariot, reminding him of Karna's own apparent lack of mercy and regard for the rules of war in the killing of Arjuna's son Abhimanyu in a terrible and brutal fashion. Arjuna thus kills Karna. In the end Karna's sins doom him, marking another instance in the MahÄbhÄrata of how an individual's actions serve to mark his destiny, and the need to lead a virtuous life. CONCLUSION-IN THE INTERVAL BETWEEN THE START OF THIS HIGH INTENSITY BATTLE TILL KARNA’S CHARIOT WAS SWALLOWED BY THE GROUND…..ARJUNA ALWAYS HAD AN UPPER HAND WHILE FIGHTING KARNA…KARNA WAS WOUNDED BADLY BY ARJUNA WHEN ARJUNA TOOK HIS FULL SLAUGHTERING FORM AS A ‘VIBHATSU’ & MAKE KARNA BLEED OFF BETWEEN THE SHEETS!!!!MOREVER ARJUNA HAD MUCH FAITH IN HIS ABILITIES & WAS CONFIDENT OF KILLING KARNA WITHOUT THE USE OF HIS DEADLY PASHUPATA ASTRA..SO NEVER EVER HE DIDN’T USE IT AGAINST KARNA…WHILE KARNA ON THE CONTRARY KNEWING THE FACT THAT HE CANT KILL ARJUNA BY ANY MEANS TAKES OUT HIS NAGASTRAMA WHICH CLEARLY IS A PROOF OF KARNA’S COMPLETE FAILURE AS A WARIOR….ARJUNA REMAINED UNMATCHED AS ALWAYS!!! 5.)MOREVER IT WAS ARJUNA ONLY WHO HAD CRIPPLED THE ENTIRE KAURVA ARMY SINGLE HANDEDLY…HE FOUGHT IN THE SIDE OF MERE 5 PANDAVAS AGAINST THE ODD 100 KAURVAS ALONGWITH GREAT WARIORS LIKE BHISHMA,DRONA,KARNA,KRIPACHARYA,ASHWATHAMA, ETC…MOREEVER WHEN BOTH ARJUNA AS WELLAS DURYODHANA CAME TO KRISHNA TO PERSUADE WITH TO ALIGN WITH EITHER SIDE ,KRISHNA HAD ALREADY HANDED HALF OF HIS DWARKA SOLDIERS TO DURYODHAN & HIMSELF ALIGNED WITH PANDAVAS SO THAT BOTH PANDAVAS AS WELL AS KAURVAS GET EQUAL TREATMENT FROM LORD KRISHNA!!!! 6.)U FOOLS SAY KRISHNA MADE KUNTI LINEANT TOWARDS ARJUNA BY UNVEILING THE FACT THAT KARNA WAS ALSO KUNTI’S SON….BUT REMEMBER KARNA DIDN’T PAID HEED TO HER MOTHER TO NOT KILL ARJUNA…HE WAS FIRMED AS ALWAYS TO CHOP HEAD OF ARJUNA…& HIS HATE FOR ARJUNA WAS FURTHER ACCELERATED WHEN ARJUNA KILLED KARNA’S SON VRISHASENA IN FRONT OF KARNA’S EYES!!! 7.)KARNA’S CHARIOT WAS EVEN PROTECTED BY HIS SONS-Sushama, Satyasena and Vrishasena WHILE ARJUNA WAS ALONE IN THE BATTLE CRIPPING THE ENTIRE KAURVA ARMY SINGLE HANDEDLY!!! 8.)ALSO GET THIS BITTER FACT INTO UR ROTTEN BRAIN THAT FOLLOWING YUDHISTIR’S INSULT BY KARNA,KARNA HAD BEEN SMASHED BY BHIM TO SUCH AN EXTENT THAT KARNA FAINTED DOWN!! 9.)ALSO NOTE ON THE 14TH DAY OF MAHABHARATA ,BHIM KILLED VIKARNA & CHITRASENA & DESTROYED KARNA’S CHARIOT..KARNA FOUGHT 21 TIMES & IN ALL THESE 21 TIMES KARNA WAS DEFEATED BY BHIM ALONE!!ON 22ND TIME WHEN KARNA CAME WITH HIS MIGHTY BOW VIJAYA & NEW KAVACH & KUNDAN,BHIM ALSO CUT IT HIS NEW KAVACH!!KARNA HAS BEEN DEFEATED BY BHIM ALONE 21 TIMES..FORGET ABOUT WINNING BATTLE WITH ARJUNA!!! 10.)U ILLITERATE FOOL PEOPLE TALK THAT SHALYA WAS NOT FULLY HELPING KARNA..HAHAHA..WELL IT WAS ONLY WHEN WHEN SHALYA DIVERTED KARNA BY PERSUADING KARNA TO HIT THAT NAGASTRAM AT ARJUN’S CHEST RATHER THAN HIS NECK & THAT TOO KARNA DIDN’T PAID HEED TO IT!!!& THE SECOND TIME HE DIDN’T HELP KARNA WAS WHEN KARNA’S RATH WAS SWALLOWED BY THE GROUND!!!KARNA WAS ALSO MANY TIMES SAVED FROM KARNA’S ARROWS INCLUDING HIS AGNIASTRA & VARUNAASTRA!!SHALYA WAS COMPLETELY TURNED IN FAVOUR OF KAURVA’S ARMY WHEN DURYODHAN CALLED SHALYA AS THE GREATEST CHARIOTEER & PERHABS EVEN BETTER THAN KRISHNA!!!!DURYODHAN ALSO REMIND SHALYA THAT HE IS PERHABS GREATEST CHARIOTEER BECOZ SHALYA HAD ALSO MASTERED THE ART OF HORSES- Ashwahridaya WHICH MADE SHALYA WHOOPING!!!SHALYA THUS TRIED HIS LEVEL BEST TO ASSIST KARNA AS SHALYA WAS ALSO IMPRESSED BY KARNA’S LOYALITY!!!HE EVEN WARNED & ASKED KARNA TO KILL ARJUNA WHO WAS KILLING THOUSANDS OF KAURVA ARMY MERCILLESSLY!!!ARJUNA KA AISE HI NAAM VISHVA MEIN PRASIDH NAHI HAI!!!THERE R REASONS BEHIND THEM!!! 11.)IT HAS BEEN CLEARLY MENTIONED IN THE ORIGINAL VERSION OF MAHABHARATA BY VED VYAS THAT ARJUNA WAS THE PEERLESS ARCHER OF DWAPAR YUG!!THIS HAD BEEN ACCEPTED BY DRONACHARYA & BHISHMA JUST FROM THE HORSES’ MOUTH!!!PLEASE GO & READ MAHABHARATA U ILLITERATE FOOL MANDIR EDUCATED SICK SUDRA PEOPLE!!!!Arjuna was the undisputed archer of that time,skilled than bhishma,drona,kriuba or karna.This is amply demonstrated in many places. Once such instance is arjuna's fight with gauravas at vrad desh.There arjuna(AS VRINHALA) charioted by uthrakumar faced drona,bhishma,karna,ashwathama and kriba.Further they had a huge army.But single handedly arjuna defeated them all.HAvent you read this?After this victory pandavas removed thier disguise and utharkumar became a valiant warrior seeing arjuna in action.Krishna wasnt there during that war with arjuna.when the Pandavas saved Duryodhana from beng killed by Gandharvas, Arjuna could have killed Karna then and there...so it works both ways... & IF U FOOLS CLAIM THAT ARJUNA USED SAMMOHANASTRA TO BEAT KARNA THEN WHY CANT KARNA BEING A GREATEST ARCHER COULD NULLIFY THE SAME!!!INSTEAD HE RAN AWAY LIKE A COWARD!!!!HAD ARJUNA BE AT KARNA’S PLACE,ARJUNA WOULD BETTER GET KILL OR GET KILLED LIKE A BRAVE WARRIOR & WILL NEVER EVER RUN LIKE A COWARD LIKE KARNA!!! It is beyond doubt that Arjuna was the best archer and more importantly the best warrior of all times....Arjuna had alone fought the Gandharvas, Danavas, Nivatakavachas and the Paulomas, with whom no one could even think of fighting with a huge army, forget fighting alone. While Karna, or for that matter, no other warrior has achieved such a feat single handedly!! KARNA WAS ALSO DEFEATED BY CHITRASEN & ARJUNA IN TURN DEFEATED CHITRASEN & RESCUED KARNA & DURYODHAN!!! NOW SEE THE QOUTE FROM BHAGVAT GITA: *****Wherever there is Krishna, the master of all mystics, and wherever there is Arjuna, the SUPREME ARCHER, there will also certainly be OPULANCE, VICTORY, EXTRAORDINARY power, and morality. That is my opinion. [bg. 18:78] NOW DON’T TELL THAT BHAGVATA GITA IS ALSO WRONG!!! 12.) Arjuna was called Dhanajaya when he conquered all the kings at the time of RÄjsooya Yajna and collected wealth from all of them. In another memorable battle, it was Arjuna who annihilated a whole akshouhini, or hundreds of thousands (109,350) of Kaurava soldiers in one day to avenge the terrible murder of his son Abhimanyu.Such a destruction of enemy & that too in 1 day has never been seen in history!!! 13.) Arjuna also conqured kingdoms of Pragjyotisha, Uluka, Modapura,Vamadeva, Sudaman, Susankula, Northern Uluka, Puru kingdom of Viswagaswa, Utsava-Sanketa, Lohita, Trigarta, Darava, Abhisara, Kokonada, Ursa, Simhapura, Suhma, Sumala, Balhika, Darada, Kamboja,the Lohas, Parama Kambojas, Northern Rishikas (or Parama Rishikas), Limpurushas, Haratakas,Gandharvas and the Uttarakurus etc 14.)Kaurva fear for Arjuna is time & agaim reflected in Mahabharata itself….Drona feared Arjuna so much that he kept telling that the kaurvas must stop Arjuna any how or else they will not be able to capture Yudhistir in their dreams also!!!When Bhishma agreed that he would obey his Pratigya of making Earth Nis Pandav,Duryodhan kept warning as Duryidhan was quite aware of the fact that Arjuna will save the lifes of his brothers & is the only person capable of killing Bhishma!!Hence he ordered kripacharya,dushasena,drona to never let Arjuna to come in front of Bhishma but Arjuna as a peerless archer single handedly beat all of them & saved Bhim from being killed by Bhishma!!Arjuna always had an upperhand while fighting Bhishma & when on another occasion Kripacharya,Dronacharya,Shakuni,Dushasena all simultaneously attacked Arjuna in order to save injured Bhishma from further injury by Arjuna’s arrows,Arjuna defeated all of them single handedly!!!This is clearly mentioned in Mahabharat!!!Go & read Mahabharat first!!! 15.)Now as far as skills r concerned,Arjuna clearly surpassed Karna…. Remember Arjuna & Drona were the only archers on planet who were expert in engaging multiple targets simultaneously!!Karna & others didn’t posses such capability!!Arjuna was also ahead of Karna in Blind eye archery!!Arjuna was also miles ahead of Karna in nullifying illusionary targets!!!Drona as a teacher had clearly accepted that Arjuna had surpassed his own guru also!!!It was only karna & no body else who considered himself to be the supreme archer & better than Arjuna!! 16.)Arjuna also defeated The King Of Gods-Indra in a battle where he fights a duel with his father Indra in khandava forest which last several days & nights & finally a voice from the sky proclaims Arjuna as the winner!!! 17.)Some people with their rotten brain here made their own story that Arjuna was saved from defeat by lord Krishna when he used his Sudarshan chakra to cover the sun faking a sunset…I literary have no words for such foooools….Arjuna was never defeated by any1 in his entire life….Krishna had to use Sudarshan chakra becoz the coward Jayadratha-the main culprit in Abhimanyu’s death was hiding deep inside his Kaurva cover as Arjuna took the oath to kill the Sindhu King-Jayadratha or die by entering into the fire!!Jayadratha is then exposed in a crucial moment,where upon the Lord's urging, Arjuna sets loose his powerful Pashupati astra that decapitates Jayadratha. This note of the act of protection of Krishna of his righteous friend and disciple will be incomplete without adding that Jayadratha's father, the old and sinful king Vridhakshtra had blessed his Son that anyone who caused his head to fall to the ground would cause his own head to burst.& ARJUNA BEHEADS jayadratha's head SO SKILLFULLY THAT THE HEAD WAS carried by the arrow to his own father's hands, who was meditating near the battlefield; who in his shock drops the head and himself dies of his own blessing.I doubt whether Karna could also perform such a feat!! IF THE COWARD JAYADRATHA COULD USE HIS OWN KAURAV WARRIORS AS A COVER TO HIDE HIMSELF WHY CANT ARJUNA USE THE COVER OF KRISHNA’S SUDARSHAN CHAKRA TO AVENGE THE TRAGIC DEATH OF HIS SON ABHIMANYU!!!TIT FOR TAT….AS SIMPLE AS THAT!! THIS IS COMPLETE FARE & SQUARE!!! 18.)AS FAR AS BHISHMA’S DEATH IS CONCERNED, Like Karna, who had the advantage of Kavacha Kundala, so also Bheeshma had an advantage. He had the boon of ending his life as per his wish...so no one could take his life, except that he/she can force him to take a decision by inflicting deep and unhealable wounds....Only Amba (reborn as Sikhandin) had received that boon from Shiva to slay Bheeshma& and Bheeshma had taken the vow not to use weapons against a person who was born female....Thus only Sikhandin (who was born female and later attained the male form from (Yaksha), could have forced this to happen...not even the very Gods. Sikhandin was Amba in previous birth, who was forcefully, but mistakenly, taken by Bheeshma for marriage (not for himself though) even though she liked another person and her life was destroyed.If Bheesma was really better, he could have defeated Arjuna, but it never happened, infact it was Arjuna who was always having an upperhand in the battle against him, except for slaying him, which was only to be SikhandiN..SO NO BODY ELSE COULD KILL BHISHMA EXCEPT SHIKHANDNI NOT EVEN THE GODS…THE BOON OF SHIVA CANT BE TREATED AS A JOKE!!!!! Morever it is to be noted that the Person who was the most reluctant to go for a war was no other than Arjuna himself due to which Lord Krishna had to give him "Gitaopdesh"to make him realize his karm & dharm!!I hope u now What is Gitaopdesh…Even after the Gitaopdesh Arjuna was reluctant to fight battle with his loving Grandfather Bhishma & his own guru Dronacharya!!Hence as a last option Lord Krishna had to take out his Sudarshan Chakra to slay Bhishma..but fortunately Arjuna stopped Krishna from undertaking such a step & break his Pratigya of not entering into a battle!!!& after this development Arjuna fought with all his prowess & skills & always Arjuna had an upperhand on both of them!!Im quotting this just from the Mahabharata..Thus It is completely rubbish to say that Arjuna was afraid of fighting with Drona & Bhishma…Nowhere in Mhabharata it has been mentioned…so better u all Don’t make ur own stories & make fun out of urself!!! 19.)The death of Drona was though from unfair means but let me remind u all that Drona had used the Brahmadanda on the 15th day of the Mahabharata. This spiritual divine weapon contained the power of the 7 greatest sages of Hinduism. Drona had neither imparted the knowledge of this divine weapon to either Ashwattama or Arjuna. Thus, he proves unconquerable on the 15th day of war. Krishna asks Yudhisthira to proclaim that Drona's son Ashwathama has died, so that the invincible and destructive Kuru commander would give up his arms and thus could be killed & this what exactly what happened!!!So if u have to blame somebody for Drone’s death,then collect the guts to blame none other than the mastermind-Lord Krishna!! & last but not the least,Arjuna was unable to kill Ashwathhama & Kripacharya becoz both of them were 2 of the 7 "CHIRANJEEVIS"..so they cant be killed by any means!!!Arjuna had however,many times defeated both these chiranjeevis in the duel but cant kill them becoz of the reason already explained!!!! 20.)Arjuna was also better than Eklavya….as unlike Eklavya,Arjuna can use both his hands including his left hand to shoot his arrows, & that is why Arjuna was also called Savyashachee!!!!Eklavya unfortunately was unable to use his left hand when he gave his right thumb as a guru dakshina to Dronacharya!!! *****Im neither against karna nor eklavya…!!!I express my sympathy for what they had suffered….neither I favour Arjuna just for the sake of favouring!!Im a neutral analyzer!!!& This is also an integral part of my effort to expose the truth to all those people who find difficult to digest the fact!!!Arjuna was a peerless archer..this statement is beyond any doubt!!!I have already proved it with my unmatched 20 points!!!The world know that Arjuna was a supreme archer…no body on planet could match him!!!It is clearly mentioned in both the mahabharatas as well as Bhagvat gita!!!Though karna & eklavya also suffered a lot but don’t forget that pandavas also suffered 14 years Van Vaas,the Cheer Haran of their wife-Draupadi,whom karna called a ‘whore’ in front of the entire sabha….Karna also insulted Yudhistir & Bhim!!!Nowhere in Mahabharata,pandavas won by treachery….I have already proved the same in the context of Time & God whom nobody can even think of defeating!! & by calling a karna superior archer than arjuna just becoz karna was elder is completely rubbish!!!! Sometimes a student also being of much lower in age surpasses his own guru who is much elder than the student..remember how Arjuna surpassed his Guru Dronacharya….Was Arjuna elder than Drona????I guess not!!! IN A NUTSHELL: Eklavya was the best, Karna was better than the best,&....... Arjuna was BEST OF THE BEST!!!!
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