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Everything posted by deepak22

  1. kalki avatar will be born on a bright fortnight of the lunar month of Vaishakha, on the twelfth lunar tithi and the exact date is the 22th june 2009. where is he now ? where is he born ? where is shambhala village ?
  2. Everyone keeps on fighting who is the supreme god! some says SHIVA and many here keeps on telling thats its KRISHNA ! But is there any book who says so? is there anyone who can tell me where he has read this and where? there is only one god , the supreme one , but we humans keeps on fighting for SHIVA,VISHNU(KRISHNA) VISHNU AND SHIVA . IF WE HAVE A SMALL LOOK AT VISHNU PURANA AND HAVE A LOOK AT SHIVA PURANA http://www.dharmakshetra.com/literature/puranas/shiva.html THIS IS THE DIFFERENCE . WHO SHOULD WE BELIEVE? WHAT IS THE TRUTH ? WHATEVER WE HUMAN HAVE DONE IS ONLY FOR OUR BENEFITS. WHAT IS THE TRUTH ? HAVE WE BEEN MISLED FROM THE BEGINNIG ? WHO IS GOD?
  3. for everything that you have written , its probably that there will be no human on earth soon , everyone will be in hell
  4. do you guys think that we are at the end of kali yuga?
  5. due to volcanic eruption mauritius was form so whenever or whatever will happen i don't think mauritius will be moving as fast as those continent
  6. who is the supreme god ? i'm not talking about incarnations so please no ram krishna and all those ! because i know many of you want to convince the world that krishna is the supreme god but how can you forget that he was just the incarnation of VISHNU . many of you speak of VEDAS and many manuscripts of Hinduism. but have you all read it ? who wrote mahabharat ? any guesses ? it was ganesh bhagwan who wrote it but BUT rishi VYAS only narrate it. i have read somewhere that LORD SHIVA created lord vishnu and lord brahma! i may be wrong but do correct me ! thank you all
  7. it has always been said that the first man and woman on earth was ADAM AND EVE! is it true ? lol . but what about the theory of science that we are descendent of monkeys ? foolish question ya
  8. it was all pre-destined! thats all well i guess so
  9. hope is life and life is hope ! if you lose hope then how will it do bro? i will tell you a secret if you dream for a mercedes you will have a toyota . so dream a bigger things and you will achieve atleast one quarter of wat you dream . i have only 2 dreams in my life . first is to be the richest man in mauritius second is to have lord shiva as my teacher !!! many people said that i am mad but today i'm moving towards my first dreams ! atleast i'll be a rich guy . i'm waiting for the second one by looking at the whole world on the net , who knows in what form lord shiva may preach me ???????????? so don't lose patience
  10. THERE IS A DIFFERENCE . THAT IS , GOD IS VISHNU AND THE INCARNATION IS 1.Matsya (Piscas) 2.Kachapa (Tartious) 3.Varaha 4.Narsimha 5.Vamana Avatara 6.Parshurama Avtara 7.Ramchandra Avtara 8.Lord Balramaji 9.Lord Shri Krishna 10.Shri Buddha 11.Shri kalki so this is the difference vishnu is the preserver . the god shiva is the destroyer . the god brahma is the creator . the god the trinity . the supreme god
  11. isn't krsna the avatar of vishnu??? so the truth must be vishnu not his incarnation!!! the truth is VISHNU
  12. shiv vishnu and brahma . who is god ? which was the first religion on earth ? do you think jesus was part in our purans? and wat about allah and mohamed ? if quran is true then we all should be following the muslim religion but why there is a lot of religion ? when will the supreme god come ? where is he now ? is he born? is kalki = mohamed? is Pundit Vedaprakash Upadhyay right in his research ? IF Eigth incarnation of Vishnu : Krishna , THEN WHY PEOPLE PRAY KRISHNA NOT VISHNU ? WHY PEOPLE SAY THAT KRISHNA IS GOD NOT SAYING VISHNU IS ? is mahabharat a fiction or people has change its meaning ? i have read somewhere that Lord Ganesha Writing the Mahabharata as Narrated by Sage Vedvyasa , then wat is the truth ???!!!! any answer for all these?
  13. about hindu mythology . shiv vishnu and brahma . who is god ? which was the first religion on earth ? do you think jesus was part in our purans? and wat about allah and mohamed ? if quran is true then we all should be following the muslim religion but why there is a lot of religion ? when will the supreme god come ? where is he now ? is he born? is kalki = mohamed? is Pundit Vedaprakash Upadhyay right in his research ? lots of question going on and on !!!! any answer for all these?
  14. ya you r right but still year 2011 is there in almost all my research . but i can't figure what is it?
  15. i have a great belief that there will be the third world war in 2011 !!!!because something gonna to happen , something big enough to change the meaning of humanity or the meaning of ..........don't know what . do you guys think that this will be the year where we'll find out about the imposter of god or the year where kalki will be enlightened???
  16. what is going to happen in the year 2011? i have heard a lot about 2011 something gonna to happen , BUT WHAT?
  17. i always try to meditate but can't do it . there is always something going on my mind . my mind is always searching for something . i can't meditate . please help!
  18. i'm a mauritian and i don't know much about sanskrit
  19. i am not a vegetarian , i like to eat fish meat chicken but i have a big problem . i can eat non veg food for a certain period of the year and the other month if by mistake i eat non veg i vomit all food . for the time being i can't eat non-veg food and my mom gave me a cake in which there was egg in it but and i was very ill that night . even doctors don't have any answers for this . can anyone help me???
  20. which came first ? ramayan or mahabharat? because in ramayan there is no mention of KRISHNA and in mahabharat there is no mention of RAM . even peoples said that ramayan came first then why there is no mention of it in mahabharat???
  21. i am a great devo of lord shiva and maa kali but still can't know their special prayers and wat time shall i pray them . can an yone suggest me some old or very old prayers that we don't hear nowadays?
  22. As It Is Known That kalki Avatar Will be Born On An isle , mauritius Is A Small Island In The Indian Ocean . It Has Its Own Sacred Lake Known As Ganga Taloa. It Is Still Far Develop Like The Western , People Still Respect Each Others Here . Can It Be Possible That He Can Be Born In Mauritius Live Till 31 Years Old Like A Simple Person And Go To Do Meditation In The Small Cave Not Far From Ganga Taloa And Be Enlightened Over There And Then Start His Voyage From There??
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