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  1. Everyday is an auspicious day...And we have no power on birth and death.....Ohm Namah Shivaya!
  2. You have hit the nail right on the head...very nicely said and very true...i admit these are the mistakes done by Hindu's throughout the world...
  3. Can you please explain what is the dative case?..thanks:)
  4. Thank you so much Bhairo and Shivaduta...i was wondering how to do this without much knowledge but Lord himself has shown me the way through you guys... Apart from this i saw some of the threads about worshiping Shiva Lingga at home and found some negative comments about it...some have been saying its not advisable to place lingga at home but yet no proper explanations and reason given by them about why we cant do it...i hope im doing the right thing... as i told before "im only trying to get more nearer to him with the way i know" cheers guys..
  5. Thank you so much Bhairo and Shivaduta...i was wondering how to do this and the Lord has shown me the way through you guys..certainly all of you will be in my prayers as the own who guides me..
  6. Thank you very much bhairo..im very happy with your reply...will do as you have told so....im abit noob on all these rituals since theres no proper person to guide me...if you dont mind answering one last question will be appreciated...how to perform homa/havan? i know its like fire burning but what are the materials and ways to do it... may lord shiva bless you.. Shiva
  7. Is there no one to answer my question?..
  8. Hi all, My name is Shiva and im living in Malaysia, this is my first time im posting and i feel very fortunate by accidently knowing this forum. My question is im planning to move in to my new house where i have planned to place a Shiva Lingga in my prayers room...what will be the do's and dont's i have to follow? I would like the lingga to be in the center of the room where i even can circle the lingga while chanting His manthra... I have heard alot of comments from people saying that we are not suppose to have a lingga at home....my reply is only one thing: " I never do any sin by placing Him at home and praying him, just try my best to get closer to him on the way i know" Any comments are more then welcome...thanking you all in advance.. Shiva Hara Hara Mahadeva!!
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