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  1. Dear Guruji, Basically I am having Kalasarpa Dosha in my horoscope. When ever we are trying to fix alliance it’s getting drop in the final moment. In 2006 I got engaged as well get droped by the girl side. Name: Ram DOB: 23-8-1976 Time: 00.20am Place: Thiruvarur (TN,India) Lat: 79:43 E Lon: 10.48 N Just I want to know about why these thinks are happening. Either it’s because of Kalasarpa Dosha or as per my horoscope having fourth place sun sitting along with venus. I already did pariharam for Kalasarbha Dosha in Kalahastri, Sripampuram and Srivanchiyam and Rameswaram. Also we perform Tila homam (for Pitru shanthi) in rameswaram on a good day suggested by good astrologer. Please let me know what else I have to do to get remedy from this Either shall we proceed seeking alliance after Guru transects (9<SUP>th</SUP> Dec 2008). Please advice me on this. Regards Ram
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