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Everything posted by nvraman

  1. name :chethana dob: 25-11-1998 place:chennai,tamilnadu gender:female time :9.34am could you please tell her how her raghu dasa will affect her education and other aspects of life.
  2. dear sir, d.o.b 25/11/98,born in chennai,tamilnadu at 9.34am. could you please help me and tell me how her rahudasa will be(starting in 2011) for the education and other aspects of life....please
  3. hi iam a new member with a little knowledge of astrology.could some one help me understand the following horoscope and tell how raghu dasa will be. d.o.b =25/11/1998, dhanur lagna,makar rasi, guru and kethu in aquarious retrogate saturn in aries, rahu in leo, mars in virgo, sun,venus&mercury®in scorpio. how will raghu dasa starting from 2011 will be for this girl,regarding education, relationships,career etc... could some one please help
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