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  1. If Ketu owns Scorpio in addition to Mangal and Rahu owns Aquarius in addition to Saturn (going along with the theory Kujavat Ketu and Shanivat Rahu) doesn't this mean that for a native of Aquarius ascendant that he/she had two lagna lords? Or a Scorpio native has two lagna lords? For that matter Arians will have two 8th lords! Opinions?
  2. So Vipareet Raja Yoga should be seen from bhava chart, correct?
  3. What is the significance of all the planets in the visible half of the horoscope? Is a particular yoga created?
  4. Thank you from coming to the rescue, Sandhu Ji. I am very appreciative. I understand that at lagna sandhi, the lagna becomes weak. But my question is: For example, with 2 lagnas: Mesha (with Mangal aspecting lagna from 6th) and Vrishabha (with Shukra exalted in 11th) and being in lagna sandhi, whose results on life would be more expected? Or another good example, with Meena (Guru in 9th aspecting lagna) versus Kumbha (with Shani in 9th exalted) and being in lagna sandhi, whose results on life would be more expected? Basically, is the exalted lagnesha's or the aspecting lagnesha's lagna stronger? Thanks.
  5. Anyone's educated opinion would be duly appreciated.
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