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Everything posted by shree7

  1. hi zalinab28 i am totally agree with u, as i have seen many peoples in artis and temples gets mataji. nobody close to me have experienced this. is somebody close to u gone through such experience? because things u mentioned to be done at time of trance were always done by friends or relatives
  2. hi vedikaji and kusumji both of u were really blessed by mataji or matas dear ones but vedikaji i really like to know few things from u do u find any problem in society as well as in home to be blessed one what was reaction when goddess first visited in ur body? because i have seen few peoples being possessed and really have a respect for them navratris are on and both of u might busy in u r worships also kusumji, i am marathi and heard about this ceremony of blowing of pots 'ghagri phunkane' but have never seen this ceremony as i do not have many chitpavan friends can u please help in this regards happy navratri
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