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Sunil Uppal

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  1. Understand and agree there are multiple factors or forms and yes I am talking about what we call Prema Bhakti. Also, completely agree that Maha Mantra has it's own signigficance which cannot be diluted by any other means however one needs to reach a stage to be able to disinguish between the two. There's one sect who's done a lot of reading / research and has a command over various preachings hence can make the right choice but honestly most of the time we struggle and end up puting lot of energy in identifing / making the right choice losing the real essence. If it was love one only thinks about the unforgettable in any state without realising what's right or wrong hence I believe that it's a better / faster way to get closer to the almighty (Krsna in this case).
  2. Dear Appolonious, Believe in ONE thing, there's nothing which is bigger than the almighty. In my opinion , there's no point waisting time in finding who did what and expecting them to be the healer as well. This situation can only be addressed by keeping full faith in the GOD you believe in and look for a Saint / Bhakt who has God's blessings (who possess some Shakti) to fight the evil and help you build a protective aura around you so that you are safe ever after. If you know someone ping him or let me know and I can talk to my Guruji. Jai Mata Di
  3. Let me ask this, if you truly love someone do you or your lover really bothers how he or she is addressed by you? One needs to fall in LOVE and the name will fall in place automatically...you can call him Krsna, Radhe Radhe, Kalua, Kanha, Govinda, Jesus, Shyama or anyother name / nickname that you may want to keep.
  4. Point very well made. Genuine Guru - a Krishna follower or Devi Bhakt or on any other spiritual track will never put himself in front of the Almighty. He can be GODs representative but NOT GOD himself and hence can command due respect but not replace him. Guru’s role is to hold an individual’s finger, show the path (put him on track step by step) and provide him the right guidance which will take him closer to GOD (the eternal bliss). And only respective individuals who have trekked on the path himself, knows the route clearly (so that he can tell where to start or stop or take a diversion if needed) and have made the connection with GOD already are Genuine Guru for me. Guru is like a guide, a link between an individual and the almighty who cannot be replaced for sure but if there’s an individual who gets himself worshiped in the name of GOD then am sorry he’s not genuine.
  5. For all those who are suffering, just write to maiyaa@jaimaadurga.in and am sure you will get the right guidance. Jai Mata Di
  6. Rajan: Write to maiyaa@jaimaadurga.in and am sure your prayers will be heard and you will get answer for your problems. Jai Mata Di
  7. Jai Sai Naath Maharaj ki Trust me you have his blessings and it is purely because you love him, believe in him (complete smarpan :-)). Jai Mata Di
  8. I strongly believe that there has to be complete samarpan (dedicate one selves completely into his feet’s) and then look at the returns. There's a saying "As you sow, so shall you reap" which holds good for each one of us. I do acknowledge the situation is really bad but still it's in our control. We need to take small little steps, regain trust, educate people, have and build courage to say NO to the wrong doings and this needs to start from our home, children, loved ones and then reach out to the larger audience (in locality, community) if possible. Things will change, are bound to change we just need to believe in the almighty with even more conviction. Jai Mata Di
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