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Everything posted by sid

  1. ok ... show me .... vedas or any thing else u have ... but i don't know how u will prove the creator locked in its own creation /images/graemlins/smile.gif. .........
  2. ok ... show me .... vedas or any thing else u have ... but i don't know how u will prove the creator locked in its own creation /images/graemlins/smile.gif. .........
  3. ok lets simplify a bit, all the world we r seeing is a VR like matrix or maya. also ur saying god as an infinite eneery from quntum to cosmic level. u also point out the dimentions in which we react or see that they exist. my Q is this where do u got that infinite energy? cosidering it was alwayes there so taking that basis as origin now why is it what we see the cosmos is like this not anything else. i guess it is because universe or any thing is governed by some set of laws or rules. also, who has a start will alwayes end so it be with cosmos also.
  4. ok lets simplify a bit, all the world we r seeing is a VR like matrix or maya. also ur saying god as an infinite eneery from quntum to cosmic level. u also point out the dimentions in which we react or see that they exist. my Q is this where do u got that infinite energy? cosidering it was alwayes there so taking that basis as origin now why is it what we see the cosmos is like this not anything else. i guess it is because universe or any thing is governed by some set of laws or rules. also, who has a start will alwayes end so it be with cosmos also.
  5. I don't belive in bilindly following thing. i alwayes belived there is a logical reson to everything. so there nust be a reson to god if exsisted, i am puzzelsed by many Q such as , who is the god? who created the universe ? .... is't this universe is created in the big bang , where did god come into the screean.
  6. I don't belive in bilindly following thing. i alwayes belived there is a logical reson to everything. so there nust be a reson to god if exsisted, i am puzzelsed by many Q such as , who is the god? who created the universe ? .... is't this universe is created in the big bang , where did god come into the screean.
  7. good theory !!! /images/graemlins/smile.gif i am not so much in astronomy but still can any one let me know how many cycles of big bang had happen before this present state. ? where did u got the 1 sigularity to give the 1st big bang ?
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