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  1. Hello sir, I am very tensed and worried pls help me. My DOB : 22 oct 1980, 9.45am , vadodara,gujarat,india husband deatils : 15 may 1979, time:unknown,vadodara,gujarat,india married in jan 2005 we are trying for child from last 2years. pls let me know when I will conceive (month/year) very worried about this problem.. Pls predict about our future also.. Thanks in advance
  2. Hi, We are married last four years and trying to have kid but no success..pls anyone can help My details: DOB : 22 oct 1980 , time : 9.45am place : vadodara,gujarat,india husband details : 15 may 1979 ,time: unknown place : vadodara,gujarat,india Pls tell me which month,year I can conceive we are tensed and worried..all medical reports are normal.. Thanks in advance
  3. Hi, My DOB : 22 oct 1980 , unknown time,vadodara,gujarat husband DOb : 15 may 1979, unknown time, vadodara,gujarat marriage jan 2005. both working in oil industry, canada two sibling , sister married,vadodara and brtoher - unmarried, vadodara mother and father living in vadodara father : govt. employee I would like to know when We have kid as we are trying so long and worried abt it. pls light on our future too. Thanks in advance.
  4. Hi, My DOB : 22 oct 1980 , unknown time,vadodara,gujarat husband DOb : 15 may 1979, unknown time, vadodara,gujarat marriage jan 2005. both working in oil industry, canada two sibling , sister married,vadodara and brtoher - unmarried, vadodara mother and father living in vadodara father : govt. employee I would like to know when We have kid as we are trying so long and worried abt it. pls light on our future too. Thanks in advance.
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