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  1. Respected Guruji, my name is jaikumar,and my D.O.B is 20.9.1983 at 12.05 am in india©, tamil nadu(s), madurai city could u tell me about by past,present and future ,mainly i am expecting about my profession
  2. Respected Guruji, my name is jaikumar,and my D.O.B is 20.9.1983 at 12.05 am in india©, tamil nadu(s), madurai city could u tell me about by past,present and future ,mainly i am expecting about my profession
  3. Thanks for giving me the link and i got clear idea about usage of ruthrajam
  4. Respected Guruji's I am holding five face ruthraj with me and i wont have clear idea about its ,when we should use and when we should not use? could any one advice me how to use ruthrajam
  5. Thanks Right now i am staying in chennai near valasaravakam ,could any Guru's who train for meditation live near by valasaravakam or can i pratice through the guidence of online which is the best way
  6. Thanks for replay me If i want to attain most precious power like kundalini ,i want to reduce kama for that wat steps can i take ,and even aft married life can i continue practice to reach kunalini?
  7. Nameskar Guruji I am 25 year old boy ,i am interested doing meditation and workship god but sometimes i am forgotten to follow meditation and workship after sometimes i am got remember about the meditation and i will try to continue, but my mind always thinking about kama , i want to reduce kama and need to improve my meditation and spirituality could any one help me by giving ideas how to reduce kama and to improve meditation and spirituality
  8. namshkar gurudev i need step by step instruction to develope kundalani
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