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  1. Hi Karuna, After lot of search i could find a nadi astrologer in my city, Hyderabad, this man is quiet good among the others and he has a branch in Vaitheeswarankovil also. Its by Name Pon.Muthu Kumar Swamy. There will be many many nadi jyothish there in that lane but the above one is recommended and also Shiva Nadi... we cross checked with him also and details turned out to be correct... now waiting to see if predictions turn out to be true or not. Good Luck, Vatsala
  2. Hi All, I see that many of you have been to Vaitheeshwaran Kovil, could you please recommend a good Nadi astrologer there since I plan to visit that place. We have been trying for a child from past 2 years but no success. I really need to know about when can i conceive since its very pressurising for both of us to b in such a situation. Its my request to Mr.Ramachandaran to kindly let me know the nadi astrologer he had consulted. Regards, Vatsala
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