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  1. Hello sreeram, article is great, will post when i come across any such article, I want to have some information from you my id is l.predictions@gmail.com. Can you contact me as soon as possible. it may save life of two people.
  2. I am waiting for your reply sreeram
  3. Hello All, I was in love with a girl for last 5-6 years and now she had suddenly started ignoring me, she don't pick up my calls and when i some how contacted her she start crying and just tell me leave her. Please help me with some mantras or any other technique with which i can get her back. you can directly send me reply on l.predictions@gmail.com too Thanks
  4. Have the required information as follows : TIME OF BIRTH 4:20 PM DATE OF BIRTH 10-10-84 PLACE OF BIRTH CITY/STATE/COUNTRY. Mathura/UP/India SEX Male Your current status : Studying / Service / Business : Service Educational background : B.Tech Work Industry and current salary. Software, 30,000 per month Major events ( Good and Bad ) of your life which you remember : (Good) I was able to do the engineering with the efforts of my mother. I liked a girl and she herself ask me that you love me. Family background Father : Business / Service / Industry etc.. Business Mother : house wive / Business / Service / industry etc. house wive Brothers : younger / elders and above mentioned details : no Sisters : younger / elders and above mentioned details : younger, studying, B Com Question : I was in love with the girl for last 5-6 years and from last 2.5 years she knew this and was talking to me. Now from last 3 months she have suddenly stopped talking to me and she say that she is not having feeling for me. she in order to avoid me talks to another fellow and whenever i contact her she keeps on crying and crying. please suggest me some remedy for this. her information time of birth : 7:35 PM or 11:05 PM date of birth : 29-12-83 PLACE OF BIRTH CITY/STATE/COUNTRY. Mathura/UP/India email id l.predictions@gmail.com
  5. Hello sreeram, can i have your e mail ID I want to ask you how the vashikaran and sammohan have bad effects on victim.
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