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viji_r_krishnan's Achievements


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  1. Hi, I just found Swayamvaraparvathi mantra Audio. I heard swayamvara parvathi is the most sought after mantra for unmarried today and being searched by many esp. for audio version for clear pronounciation. I found this link which not only have the audio but also explained the procedures of doing this Swayamvaraparvathi Mantra Japa. As per the audio, we need to change Namaha with Swaha when we do swayamvara parvathi homa Wishing everyone all the best for a successful married life. Vijiya
  2. sir I too wish to know more about Mole. I have a mole on my cheek on the right side. Anyone can brief the effect of these mole.
  3. Dear sir Can i have your address so that i can send my horoscope.
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