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  1. Hi, First of all I don't know whether you are a Muslim or a Hindu. If you are a true muslim them you wouldn't have written these words. I guess you born to a Muslim couple that'swhy you are a muslim other than this; you don't know the exact meaning of Islam and the limits and delimits of Islam. There is no wrong seeing a Hindu boy but if you wanna marry him then he should be a Muslim before you marry him. For you kind information if a Muslim girl want to marry a Hindu boy then he should accept Islam before marriage then only she can marry to him. This is vice-versa. IF YOU FAIL TO DO SO>> YOU WILL BE AUTOMATICALLY THROWN OUT OF THE ISLAM .. And you no longer will be a MUSLIM. The religion itself through you out. If you know the islam in true manner then you won't leave islam at any cost.. any cost means anycost.... TODAY.. WITH LITTLE EDUCATION PEOPLE THINK THAT, WHAT EVER THEY FEEL AND THINK ARE RIGHT... BUT, IN FACT THEY ARE FOOLS/MORONS/IDIOTS. One fine day they have to face GOD ( A true god). All these things which you are talking may look good till you die. Think about hearafter. I donno what kind of relation you have with that hindu boy and what are you intensions in future... I pray to Allah that, give some knowledge to you to judge what is better for you. ALLAH SAYS: O! Believers (Who ever believes ALLAH as God)marry to those who are from your community; they (Who believes in ALLAH) are far BETTER than Non Believers. ALLAH Can't be wrong and the sbove statement was ALLAH's wish... and I guess you are not smarter than ALLAH even though you are highly educated person on this earth which ALLAH created.... Thinkk................
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