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  1. can anyone explain who might know a something about this? thanks
  2. Dear Ayush (wbr), you mentioned before.....It is usually formed in connection with Sun, Saturn & Rahu, but a well placed Jupiter in connection with these planets does minimizes the effects. In your daughter's chart, Jupiter is vargottam and is exalted. Absolutely brilliant. She will get married to an academician or she maybe one, happiness, marriage, vehicles, land, everything will come to her and she will have exceptional gains in her life. Marriage will be very beneficial. She is living the golden period of her life. As from what i can see she is not living her golden period. Also you mentioned that Jupiter is vargotram and exalted. What does that mean?
  3. Dear Ayush (wbr), Thank you for your kind input...... ....... My daughter has been going through hard period for the past 6 years. 6 years ago she became a doctor. After that she has been studying for her board exams in the US. Since that time only she has been going through difficulties and failures. She is very smart girl but for some reason is having difficult time in her studies. ....... As for marriage is concerned she has gotten multiple proposals but none from good families. Last year only she had proposoals from 2 boys from our community both turned out to be not good and it didn't work out. She is very beauitful but also good natured. I don't know why she is having difficult time in meeting someone to her liking or good fit for her. .......The person who wrote her janmakshar told me about the pitru dosh so we had the pitru dosh pooja done at our home only 4 years ago when he told me about it. He also told me she should wear yellow guru ring and she has been wearing for the past 4 years. The ring was supposed to help but I have not seen any change. .......Her current dasha you mentioned is Jupiter and Ketu, can you explain to me a little about that if you don't mind. Once again thank you for taking the time to give your input. I appreciate it very much.
  4. Hello, I have previously send you the details about my daughter. I recently found out that PITRU DOSH is creating obstacles for her. We had done the Pitru dosh pooja at our home only but even after doing that nothing seems to be going in her favor. She currently wears a yellow guru ring and she fasts on tuesdays. She is vegetarian in general. I don't know what else to do. You mentioned she is manglic. My question is marriage in her future at all? Details below DOB 14 of june 1979 city was fontana california time was 1:18pm Thanks again
  5. Anyone who has input would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
  6. Hello, I am asking for my daughter. I am confused is my daughter manglik or not. The pundit who wrote her janmakshar never mentioned that she was manglik, however another astrologer whom i showed said she was manglik. I am totally confused. If one can kindly help me and tell me if she is manglik or not that would be great. I am also curious to know when she will get married. She will be turning 30 in a few months and my husband and i our very worried. If you can specify a time period when she will get married. Will the boy be from our community, and how will he be by nature and his family. Thank you I appreciate it. Birth details ; born and june 14th 1:18pm in the city of fontana california she is my eldest daughter. thank you once again for your kind help
  7. Hello, I am asking about my daughter Her information is as follows: D.0.B is 14/06/1979 (june) time of birth : 1;18pm USA time place of birth in city of fontana california I wanted you to do a general reading but specifically tell me about her marriage. When will she get married (which time frame), what do you see as far as her marriage is concerned. and about her exams, career. Thank you
  8. Dear Webyogi, I was hoping you could do a general reading for my daughter. I have given the birth details above. I would really appreciate it.........Just recently there was one boy who was presented to my daughter and just by luck the boys father is into astrology so he looked at my daughters horoscope and said that she was not a match for her......Webyogi I am very concerned and was hoping you could do a general reading of her horoscope......This boy's father said no but he mentioned that she will be married very shortly. In your opinion do you think thats true? Thank you
  9. Dear Webyogi, I was hoping you could do a general reading for my daughter. I have given the birth details above. I would really appreciate it.........Just recently there was one boy who was presented to my daughter and just by luck the boys father is into astrology so he looked at my daughters horoscope and said that she was not a match for her......Webyogi I am very concerned and was hoping you could do a general reading of her horoscope......This boy's father said no but he mentioned that she will be married very shortly. In your opinion do you think thats true? Thank you
  10. Dear Webyogi, Have not heard from you so was wondering if you had the chance to look at my daughters horoscope for a general reading. Thanks
  11. Dear Webyogi, Was wondering if you had a chance to read her horoscope and give any other insight. Thanks again
  12. Dear Webyogi, I am in the process of finding out whether her stone is a topaz or not. In the meantime I was wondering if there is anything else you might be able to tell me about her horoscope in general. I have never gotten it read before. Was hoping you might be able to read it; A general Reading. DOB June 14th, 1979 time: 1;18pm (USA time) city of Fontana California Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
  13. Dear Webyogi, It seems from your reading that my son will have many obstacles. He is about to start studying for his first board exam at the end of this month. I hope that he will do well in that. When you mentioned for career that much effort must be needed.....If he puts in a lot of effort then will he be successful in his career? As for marriage, there is more possiblity of arranged marriage then love marriage? You talk about Saturn in his chart. Are there any other obstacles in his life he needs to be careful about, other then profession or marriage? He is not vegetarian and is not into fasting. Is there anything else that he can do to help him??? Thank you.
  14. Dear Webyogi, Hello, I am a little confused by what you told for my daughter. If you could explain it a little more I would greatly appreciate it. I am still not sure when she will get married and whether she is having an obstacles or not. Thank you again
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