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  1. Your Lipstick: Made With Cow Brains <http://cdn.compuserve.com/cp/fte/lipstick/i/lipstick135.jpg> Here's the bad news: Cow brains may be an ingredient in your lipstick. The good news? The FDA is banning it. The Food and Drug Administration has told cosmetics makers they can no longer use brain and spinal cord tissue from older cattle in lipstick, hair sprays, and other products, reports The Associated Press. The fact that they were used at all will likely surprise millions of women who use these products daily. And that's not the only surprise: The new FDA regulations still allow use of these animal tissues in cosmetics as long as they come from younger cattle. The ban on cow brains and spinal cord tissue from cosmetics is aimed at preventing a fatal human variant of mad cow disease, called Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, from reaching people. Also known as bovine spongiform encephalopathy, mad cow disease causes the brains of infected animals to waste away. There is no cure for animals or humans. "While the risk is small, if there does happen to be an ingredient from a BSE-infected cow, the consequences would be incredibly drastic," Rachel Weintraub, assistant general counsel of the Consumer Federation of America, told AP. She noted, for example, that sprays could contain animal protein that could be inhaled. The Center for Science in the Public Interest warns consumers that it's virtually impossible to tell from reading the label if cow brains or spinal cord tissue are included in the ingredients. Caroline Smith DeWaal, head of food safety for CSPI, urged the FDA and cosmetics' manufacturers to publish a list of ingredients that could contain bovine material so consumers will know whether they should throw out older cosmetics that could be harmful. AP reports that cosmetic manufacturers insist they already require their suppliers to certify that the cattle-derived ingredients sold to them are free of materials that carry BSE.
  2. yes, I know of the hindu temple in Clovis but never visited there even tho I used to go down to Clovis for supplies about once a month when I was on the mountain. Try putting an ad in the campus paper...worth a try!
  3. brought this up: Fresno, Govinda's, 2373 East Shaw, Fresno (California) 93710 / Tel. (209) 2251230 Head over to the San Francisco Ratha Yatra in August and start asking around....most likely devotees from miles around will be there.
  4. I can't say for now but there used to be some in Fresno (I used to live near there (Huntington Lake) but I moved a long time ago). There was a Govinda's restaurant there also. One place for you to start the search is the University. Often times devotee university students will start groups etc. One sure way to find them is go to the school and sit under a tree during changes of classes and have a nice little harinam or play some Prabhupada bhajans on tape player. If you don't meet any devotees that way you just might spark other people's interest in Prabhupada and Krishna. Are you in Oakhurst or Fresno? Fresno I was never really crazy about but Oakhurst is nice. I used to go hiking in the mountains up by Huntington lake and chant as loudly as I could - the little chipmunks and bears probably still remember me!!! /images/graemlins/grin.gif Look in the phone book - I don't know if the restaurant is still there or not but it is worth a shot.
  5. I don't remember on the Nectar of Devotion because I noted it months ago but will look. But I do remember it was mainly first paragraphs of some of the purports. I discovered the missing paragraphs on one of the Sri Isopanisad mantras when I went to your site so I could cut and paste part of the purport in an email to a friend and it was not there. I think it was mantra ten but will have to double check on that so don't quote me on it. LOL...
  6. The site is very very nice and I really appreciate all the work you have done on this great project. My question is this: I have noted that in some of the purports whole paragraphs are missing in comparison to my hard copy books. I have noted this in Nectar of Devotion and Sri Isopanisad for example. I was wondering if the source for the site is different from the hard copy books?
  7. I was always sincerely promising my parents that I would never be bad again if they bought me that new toy I wanted so badly....
  8. So go to the temple and ask them directly so you get the proper info.
  9. /images/graemlins/grin.gif At first I forgot this was in the joke section cuz it almost sounds like stuff I have heard!!!
  10. The small brass Radha Krsna deities were Jayaradhe's. All the deities came to me thru devotees except for Little Damodara and the Jagannatha deities. I love the dusty footprints pastime!!! /images/graemlins/smile.gif
  11. that the admin put a blurp at the bottom saying they had changed the title and could not help but wonder why they would pick the word "idol". Perhaps they can explain to us why they chose the word "idol" over deity? I know the news agency used the word "idol" but I don't feel we should also.
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