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  1. Dear all, Good question lily. Also moon is waning. Does this make neecha bhanga? regards
  2. Dear Classic 72 & other respected forum members, 1.Could you please specify what happens if the lagna lord is exalted but in a dushtana house? eg Venus pisces 6th,Libra lagna Venus is with Shani & rahu & moon Lord of 6th Jupiter in 11th(leo) 2. Mars in own house in 7th house (libra lagna)...is that good or bad? many thanks
  3. Dear Classic 72, Many thanks for this interesting discussion. 1.Could you please specify what happens if the lagna lord is exalted but in a dushtana house? eg Venus pisces 6th,Libra lagna 2. Mars in own house in 7th house (libra lagna)...is that good or bad? many thanks
  4. Thankyou very much Aparna. I shall follow it up. Anyone else have any ideas?
  5. Can anyone recommend a reliable vedic astrologer for a personal reading in mumbai, for discussion of remedies, mantras etc? Is there anyone particularly well known in Mumbai in this field? (Please do not post advertisements!). You can pm me if you think it is more appropriate
  6. Dear Sandhiji & Shridarji, you raise an interesting point about stationary planets. With Stationary Jupiter in Leo in my 11th house (libra lagna), does that make my Jupiter weak or strong? regards Revatimoon
  7. Many thanks webyogi for your honest opinion. Yes I think I have to make more adjustments with relationships than most. Dhyan is most powerful However, could i ask if there are any mitigating factors in my chart? I was wondering if 1. Lagna lord Venus in exaltation degree 27 Pisces may strengthen chart 2. Saturn/Rahu in 6th are supposed to be ok positions 3. 7th house has own house mars/sun many thanks
  8. Respected Astrologers, I am currently going through a tough time at work, and am considered unpopular amongst bosses & most of my colleagues. ( Most people are very hypercritical of me, but these same people allow my other colleagues to enjoy many privileges, and give in to their demands) I am not able to manipulate my bosses! Currently I am not working, but will start from 11th january in a new job. Have recently been plagued with bad luck, thefts, loss of jewelry. What do you see for my career and monetary future and this new job? In social life, have given up on hope of getting married, as most men do not find me attractive. Do you see any chance of getting married or having children? Is there any remedy for my unpopularity? Currently I am wearing a small emerald, and like to wear a small ruby that does not touch the skin. I also am vegetarian on mondays. Was thinking of getting a sapphire. What do you think? Also would we be OK to travel to Mumbai at end of December/early Jan, or will we have to cancel? Could you please help? I am very despondent and timid now. many thanks Revati 25th April 1968 2051hrs London UK (daylight saving time)
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