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  1. Pranam Astrotech Ji I have e-mailed you a while back as you requested and was wondering if you have had some time to look at my horoscope? If anyone else has some input please feel free to write anything, I am open to any advice. Thanks
  2. Dear sir, I have sent you a message to your Gmail account, but I think it may have gone to the spam section. I am eagerly waiting for your response. Thank you in advance.
  3. Hello. I have been having numerous severe problems for many years now and I am looking for a reason and remedy to these problems. I currently a medical student. I live in the USA and was born in Cleveland, Ohio, USA on February 20, 1985 at 6:10pm (18:10). Currently I am in Shani Mahadasa. 1) I have severe osteoporosis even at such a young age. As a male, this is very unheard of. Please help with this – I have severe bone pain. Medical science can only diagnose it but cannot effectively treat it. 2) I have faced obstacles at almost every turn. Most of the time when I put my hand on a project it goes wrong. The saying “what can go wrong does” applies to me way too often. Even getting into medical school I was supposed to go to a better school, but got into less reputable school (even with higher grades and a good entrance exam grade I was not even able to get an interview at many places, unlike many of my friends who had lower grades). Currently even in medical school my grades are not so good even though I work very hard and usually I sleep only 4-5 hours a night just to study more. I try very hard on every exam, and even if the answer is right, points are taken off. Others in my class even when they are wrong answers get credit for them. Please help with this. 3) I have felt depressed with all of this. I feel hopeless at times as to why I am alive. Then I remember God. He is my shoulder I can lean on. I do mantras and pooja everyday. I am very spiritual and vegetarian. 4) I have trouble from my family (relatives) who I have come to know have done black magic or tantra on me. Also, I have had much trouble making friends and when I do make them for some reason or another we go different ways. Please help me with a remedy. 5) I have Kala Amrita Yoga. I even went to KalaHasti Temple in India for remedy. But still I have these problems. What can I do? I know these are a lot of questions but I have a lot of problems. Please help me. I need help. I appreciate it.
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