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Posts posted by WhyGod

  1. Thanks guys. I'll tell you my actual problem.


    I read many 'books' on the popular religions in the world. I found one common principle behind that.




    In the faith component, we just believe in something. It can be like chanting Hare Krishna, going to Church on Sunday or praying 5 times a day, sacrificing animals, killing humans etc etc etc..


    There are infinite number of faiths in the world. There are few people who used to kill animals in the name of God. They are highly satisfied with that. It is their faith. We don't know which faith is good and which faith is bad. Because,


    FAITH IS A FAITH. We blindly believe in it. We can't put any reasoning for it.


    There is no way to find a better faith. We can't put ratings for that. The intellectual part ends here.


    So, if someone tells me to chant Hare Krishna, from my point of view, it doesn't look any different from killing some animals in the name of God.


    We used to quote scriptures for proof. But we know that there are hundreds of scriptures and we can't find a consistent teachings across all.


    Don't tell me to pick a faith according to my condition. There are few people who misuse that 'faith' on God to kill people.


    I started believing that 'Faith' component is misleading humans and it is not the right spiritual practice.

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