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  1. Please provide analysis in simple language. Will we ever have a child of our own? Do the charts show any sign of hope? Boy particulars birthdate 1/26/1969 time 12:05 midnight ( early morning of 26th Jan. therefore 0005 hrs) place Jalandhar, India Girl particulars birthdate 7/16/1977 time 10:15 pm place jalandhar, india married on October 2000 No children yet despite all treatment no fault diagnosed. Can someone please tell if something in the kundali can throw light on this situation? Below is the Saptamsha of the Girl House 1 Vacant House 2 Budh, Guru House 3 Sani House 4 LAGNA House 5 Rahu House 6 Vacant House 7 Vacant House 8 Vacant House 9 Mangal House10 Surya House11 Chandra Ketu House12 Shukra PLease help...... Regards and Blessings in advance for your help. SD
  2. Hello Deepa Ji, Thank you so much for considering my husband's chart. It is 12:05 of the night of 25th. which techincally makes it the 26th early morning. So his birthtime would be 12:05 am of 26th January 1969 in Jalandhar, Punjab.
  3. It is 12:05 of the 25th which makes it 26th January. Thankyou
  4. Boy particulars birthdate 1/26/1969 time 12:05 midnight place Jalandhar, India Girl particulars birthdate 7/16/1977 time 10:15 pm place jalandhar, india married on October 2000 No children yet despite all treatment no fault diagnosed. Can someone please tell if something in the kundali (Saptamsha Chart) can throw light on this situation? Below is the Saptamsha of the Girl House 1 Vacant House 2 Budh, Guru House 3 Sani House 4 LAGNA House 5 Rahu House 6 Vacant House 7 Vacant House 8 Vacant House 9 Mangal House10 Surya House11 Chandra Ketu House12 Shukra PLease help...... Regards and Blessings in advance for your help. SD
  5. Boy particulars birthdate 1/26/1969 time 12:05 midnight place Jalandhar, India Girl particulas birthdate 7/16/1977 time 10:15 pm place jalandhar, india married on October 2000 No children yet despite all treatment no fault diagnosed. Can someone please tell if something in the kundali (Saptamsha Chart) can throw light on this situation? Below is the Saptamsha of the Girl House 1 Vacant House 2 Budh, Guru House 3 Sani House 4 LAGNA House 5 Rahu House 6 Vacant House 7 Vacant House 8 Vacant House 9 Mangal House10 Surya House11 Chandra Ketu House12 Shukra PLease help......
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