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  1. Thanks for the help. Could someone please tell me seeing both the horos 1 things. 1. When is the good time or yoga for shaadi for both boy and girl individuallly? 2. Looking at both horos does it look like going ahead and getting married? if not, is there any cure. -Just for more information, we have got 17.5 gun matched out of 36 with nadi dosha. Please suggest.
  2. Thanks for quick reply. actually we are facing problem just due to one pandit. he says girl has got some problem in 7th house which is house of spouse and relation. and if she gets married before 2011, she got strong chances of second marriage. Due to her planet positions, planet wont allow a smooth relation with spouse. Please find my (boy's horo too). Please see if our both horo is worth going ahead and getting married together. That pundit has scared family members totally about this second marriage thing.
  3. Hello Everybody, girl i am seeing is having saturn and moon in 7th house due to which a jyotish is asking not to marry this girl. please let me know if it is a problem with anybody later on and if it is then is there any cure or pooja? is there a time till which we can wait and think about getting married. please guide. Girls details:- 28 April 1983 time : 11:15 a.m. place: kaithtal, Haryana
  4. Thank you guys. i guys love and commitment is the strongest bond in this world. i have also inquired some of the pundits and they say mahamritunjya jaap is the resolution of these problems. thank you guys.
  5. Please webyogiji or anybody else reply and suggest. me myslef dont want to take any wrong decision. i am looking to make the right decision in end. please help.
  6. Hello WebYogi ji, I have seen other similar threads and i want your opinion and help on this matter. my details are:- 15th march 1984, 17:58 p.m., delhi, india Girl's details are:- 28th april 1983, 11:15 a.m., kaithal, haryana We are in love since a year and now want to marry each other but kundalis are not matching according to pundits and some pundits also saying we will break up soon after marriage but it doesn't look so to us seeing our commitment to each other and compromises we are ready to do for each other. Sir please advice, it will be very kind of your help.
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