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  1. Just type free saturn Sade sati report in google search and go to website and fill the birth details. one is astrobix . com
  2. Aarti Ji, Kindly start praying to God that Mylilangel Ji has suggested. Also, try writing to Webyogi Ji, Usr Ji, Riaz Ji, Ashutosh Ji, Swapnil Ji, Watchthisfree - Ravi Ji, Vatsyayan Ji, Taipei ji, Sasisekaran Ji, Classic72Ji, Ppena Ji, Medicalastrology Ji, etc.
  3. USR Ji, Namaskar! The thing that is creating stress & panic for me is finances. I am very worried due to finances. I am ready to put much hard work but this is depressing. DoB - 30/05/1982 ToB - 3.55 pm PoB - Indore , India. Gender: male Mars - lord of 2nd and 7th is in 12th + Saturn lord of 4th and 5th is in 12th How can I grow my wealth? 1. Investment in Shares after fundamental analysis, technical analysis, research, etc. 2. Investment in Land, flats, real estate and property on rent. 3. Money lending on interest. 4. Investment in Gold, Silver, Diamond, Platinum ornaments, etc. 5. Any other. Please tell if any fasts, poojas to be done. But, this chart demoralizes me and breaks my courage and makes me depressed. I can't work due to this. I want to find out a way so that I can become rich and free from the effects of planets. Will I be always be slave of chart? Can I come out of it? All the human beings are souls and part of God so can't they come out of their predicament or they have to suffer throughout their life. Please throw some light on this.
  4. Suvarchas Ji, Send him an email. He can't send a personal message to you as his number of posts is only 1. Amar
  5. Riaz Ji, Namaskar, I am grateful to you for reply. Regarding Moti in which hand in which finger of how much weight - ratti, color, in gold/silver, process of wearing, worship, day, any other details, etc. I just have to say that since my brother is young – 24 june 1990, birth indore, he starts physical fights with me to cause bodily harm so Moti will not make me cold or unable to protect me from him. Respectfully, Amar
  6. Namaskar! The thing that is creating stress & panic for me is finances. I am very worried due to finances. I am ready to put much hard work but this is depressing. DoB - 30/05/1982 ToB - 3.55 pm PoB - Indore , India. Gender: male Also, there is bitter enmity between me and my younger brother. He wants my share of property, too. He has stabbed me with knife in the past and is very jealous of me. He and my father want me to live separately in flat different from the present house. Also, my uncle is telling my younger brother to behave wickedly towards me. Thanks. How can I grow my wealth? 1. Investment in Shares after fundamental analysis, technical analysis, research, etc. 2. Investment in Land, flats, real estate and property on rent. 3. Money lending on interest. 4. Investment in Gold, Silver, Diamond, Platinum ornaments, etc. 5. Any other. Please tell if any fasts, poojas to be done.
  7. Sandhu ji can you give info for Sade Sati too
  8. Girl - place of birth missing. boy date, time and birth place.
  9. birth date, time and place to see entire chart in totality.
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