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  1. I knew lot of punk people and they are very nice mostly. very tolerant and understanding. They have rejected this society radically and they got lot of potentional to become spiritual. I play in a band, which is kind of Nirvana-like and I try to spread Hare Krishna messsages in this way too. But anyhow, we are not punks, hippies or other things, we are spirit souls haha. u can always find some nasty people who wear the mask in order to conform.
  2. John Lennon got it quite right in this song: "I am you and you are me and we are altogether." F.Nietzche got it even better: "You are yourself the cause of one's mistake, if you won't help one to overcome it" We should look at others as upon ourselves. And also take the mockery and humiliation as an illusion's of the ones, who mock us for presenting Krishna.
  3. Th4e meat eater often arguments that to eat meat is natural, because it was in such a way from very beggining of human evolution. I was wondering if you have any informations about this topic. I found one website, which says that this theory is from 1930's and got no evidence to support it. you might check it out: http://www.purifymind.com/HistoryVege.htm if u have more about this, please keep me posted, I'm going to do an oral presentation on my phisical education class tommorow, so I want to be ready to change people's minds /images/graemlins/smile.gif
  4. haribol, I used to take drugs like weed, hashish, acid, ecstasy and I know how you feel. In present time, I chant Hare Krishna and prepare prasadam -without drugs. But how did it happen? At one moment I felt that I needed something more stable than drugs, which people have to pay for and which steal their freedom. I was also causal drinker, but I wasn't ashamed at all, eventhough I already took up chanting&reading Bhagavadgita and deeply started loving Krishna at that time. Well, in bhagavadgita there is a very nice phrase told by Krishna : "Whatever you do, think of me." That's it. Don't bother to judge -it's all relative. Try to sacrifice your enjoyment from weed to Krishna. Y'know it's like a prasadam -you can appreciate a good food -it's nothing bad about it regarding the fact that it was offered to Krishna. Weed is also for purpose in this world. It's for people like you to come to Krishna by this way. Try to really work while running on it. Try to listen what weed is trying to tell you. Don't control yourself, let it "get" you. One of the bad things about drugs is that we try to control them. I started to worship Krishna, because in those high states I found out that there is an option to go even higher, if u think of Krishna and thank him for the enjoyment. It's a connection with God, but it's like an advertisment /images/graemlins/smile.gif You have to get there by your own and fell it instantly. If you really concentrate on your self development and remember the things you see on weed, you can develop stronger love to Krishna and that will help you to be free from drugs. Halluciongens r not addictive, it's just in your head, I've quit from day to day. Just remember it's all your path, it's certainly better than living in what "straight" people consider a normal -hypocracy. if u(or anyone else)'d like to discuss about drugs vs.krishna consciousness feel free to discuss it with me: pedromicho@hotmail.com -it would really help me, cause I still feel this power of maya & I don't want to go under. hare krishna!
  5. what was before maya fooled us? why do animals go into human bodies? what does play role in elevating animal into man? thnx for your answers, I appreciate them from all my heart /images/graemlins/smile.gif
  6. Jivas forgot Krishna and it is due to this they suffer.(this is their fall) So it means they remembered Him in the past, what did cause their forgetfullness? What was their situation, when they remembered Him? I don't understand.
  7. if people's number increasing, where r they comin' from? It's no logic in there, cause people r killing so many animals, wait...i see, so it means that for example by artificially bred animals, for purpose of meateating these amnimals incarnates into humans. wow!
  8. I was just wondering about another puzzle. Why is the number of people increasing nowdays? Where r these souls coming? I'd say it's an ignorance & many unwanted children, but that would mean that this ignorance requires new souls and therefore manipulates souls to be in material world. If soul is eternal it's impossible souls to be born. Is it likely that the increasing number of people is caused by fall of some souls? thnx in advance
  9. what is the reason of individual souls' fall? I mean the highest planets of spiritual sky don't lack anything, so why? why r we here? also can u give me some proofs of soul in body? I'm 99% convinced that it's there, but I often find myslef in the imaginary talk with non-devotees and my arguments end at the point that I'm not able to explain why is the heart a place where soul is. I mean there's a passage in Bhagavadgita, where His Grace Srila Prabhupada asks readers, what is the source of energy in heart, if it's not a soul. And I hear voices of materialists saying: genetic, heredity factor. Please, allow me start this debate about soul regarding the fact that belief in soul is the one of the most important topics.
  10. what is the reason of individual souls' fall? I mean the highest planets of spiritual sky don't lack anything, so why? why r we here? also can u give me some proofs of soul in body? I'm 99% convinced that it's there, but I often find myslef in the imaginary talk with non-devotees and my arguments end at the point that I'm not able to explain why is the heart a place where soul is. I mean there's a passage in Bhagavadgita, where His Grace Srila Prabhupada asks readers, what is the source of energy in heart, if it's not a soul. And I hear voices of materialists saying: genetic, heredity factor. Please, allow me start this debate about soul regarding the fact that belief in soul is the one of the most important topics.
  11. o'right. now, i got it /images/graemlins/smile.gif
  12. that's awesome! I used "jaya" in the very same meaning without knowing what the real one means. once again JAYA PRABHUPADA! so now, I can continue -What is "Haribol"? /images/graemlins/smile.gif
  13. hi, there! /images/graemlins/smile.gif I'm just wondering, cause I started to sing it like a tribute to Srila Prabhupada & now I'm suspicious that it has nothing to do with him. I heard it in some devotees songs, so I sing it whenever I sing Mahamantra. please explain.
  14. thanks for your very detailed answer!! is it also that we can decide, we have a choice.
  15. it's true that people with a help of holotrophic breathing can experience their own birth and the time before. This guy had come to the point, where he could set a state of mind, which goes into previous lives. He wrote several books about it and he's a profound scientist(maybe this isn't the right word anymore). He actually started with LSD experiments, but after it was banned, he developed this technique to keep body healthy /images/graemlins/smile.gif I've never tried it, but I'm wondering how it would be. this is pretty huge discovery, but people apparently don't give a damn. it was destined for treatment of mental illnesses, but then it showed up, that maybe we r all crazy, because we simply forgot about some episodes of our lives and it still figure in our subconsciousness. this is very alike Krishna teachings, isn't it?
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