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About deepak11111

  • Birthday 11/19/1983


  • Biography
    deepak shharma
  • Location
    new delhi
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  1. <HR style="COLOR: #ffffff" SIZE=1><!-- / icon and title --><!-- message --> name deepak details 19/11/83, 09:55am, ajmer rajasthan problem facing negative feelings since 2005 what to do and how is my career in 2009 and my marriage prospects ? will it be successful ? please mail me mail- deepakshharma@indiatimes.com
  2. <HR style="COLOR: #ffffff" SIZE=1><!-- / icon and title --><!-- message --> name deepak details 19/11/83, 09:55am, ajmer rajasthan problem facing negative feelings since 2005 what to do and how is my career in 2009 and my marriage prospects ? will it be successful ? please mail me mail- deepakshharma@indiatimes.com
  3. name deepak details 19/11/83, 09:55am, ajmer rajasthan problem facing negative feelings since 2005 what to do and how is my career in 2009 and my marriage prospects ? will it be successful ? please mail me mail- deepakshharma@indiatimes.com <!-- / message -->
  4. name deepak details 19/11/83, 09:55am, ajmer rajasthan problem facing negative feelings since 2005 what to do and how is my career in 2009 and my marriage prospects ? will it be successful ? please mail me mail- deepakshharma@indiatimes.com
  5. my name is deepak dob 19/11/1983 tob 09:55am pob ajmer rajasthan quesiton i have been facing negative feelings since 2005. it's making me weak person. what to do ? it's effecting my career ? please help me. please mail me mail- deepakshharma@indiatimes.com thankyou
  6. <HR style="COLOR: #ffffff" SIZE=1><!-- / icon and title --><!-- message --> Date of Birth: 19/11/1983 Time of Birth: 09:55am Place of Birth:ajmer, rajasthan, (india) Gender:male Namaskar Sir/ Madam pursuing MBA and it's going to be compete in april. how is my career after completion my mba ? Any abroad chance for job?? when??? will i travel frequently abroad?? Will i be strong financially?? When can i get married also will if be love marriage or arrange marriage ?will it be successful or not ? my details Date-(19/11/1983- time 09:55am,Place- ajmer,rajasthan, country-india email- deepakshharma@indiatimes.com
  7. Date of Birth: 19/11/1983 Time of Birth: 09:55am Place of Birth:ajmer, rajasthan, (india) Gender:male family- father-job mother-housewife elder sister- job Namaskar Sir i have been facing negative feelings since 2005. it's making me a weak person. what to do ? pursuing MBA and it's going to be compete in april. how is my career after completing my mba ? Any abroad chance for job?? when??? will i travel frequently abroad?? Will i be strong financially?? When can i get married also will if be love marriage or arrange marriage ?will it be successful or not ? my details Date-(19/11/1983- time 09:55am,Place- ajmer,rajasthan, country-india email- deepakshharma@indiatimes.com
  8. Date of Birth: 19/11/1983 Time of Birth: 09:55am Place of Birth:ajmer, rajasthan, (india) Gender:male Namaskar Sir/ Madam pursuing MBA and it's going to be compete in april. how is my career after completing my mba ? Any abroad chance for job?? when??? will i travel frequently abroad?? Will i be strong financially?? When can i get married also will if be love marriage or arrange marriage ?will it be successful or not ? my details Date-(19/11/1983- time 09:55am,Place- ajmer,rajasthan, country-india email- deepakshharma@indiatimes.com
  9. Date of Birth: 19/11/1983 Time of Birth: 09:55am Place of Birth:ajmer, rajasthan, (india) Gender:male Namaskar Sir/ Madam pursuing MBA and it's going to be compete in april. how is my career after completion my mba ? Any abroad chance for job?? when??? will i travel frequently abroad?? Will i be strong financially?? When can i get married also will if be love marriage or arrange marriage ?will it be successful or not ? my details Date-(19/11/1983- time 09:55am,Place- ajmer,rajasthan, country-india email- deepakshharma@indiatimes.com
  10. Date of Birth: 19/11/1983 Time of Birth: 09:55am Place of Birth:ajmer, rajasthan, (india) Gender:male Namaskar Sir/ Madam pursuing MBA and it's going to be compete in april. how is my career after completing my mba ? Any abroad chance for job?? when??? will i travel frequently abroad?? Will i be strong financially?? When can i get married also will if be love marriage or arrange marriage ?will it be successful or not ? my details Date-(19/11/1983- time 09:55am,Place- ajmer,rajasthan, country-india emailid- deepakshharma@indiatimes.com
  11. TIME OF BIRTH -09:55am DATE OF BIRTH -19/11/83 PLACE OF BIRTH CITY/STATE/COUNTRY. ajmer, rajasthan, india SEX male Your current status : Studying Educational background b.a (presently pursuing MBA) Major events Bad of your life which i remember in 2003 my younger sister passed away. Family background Father : Service. Mother : house wive Sisters : elder sister question - my name is deepak. i have been facing negative feelings since 2005. it's making me weak person. i offer water to lord sun what else should i do. and please tell me how in my career in 2009 ?
  12. hello vipin sir, my name is deepak. i have been facing negative feelings since 2005. it's making me weak person. i offer water to lord sun. what else should i do? and please tell me how is my career in 2009 ? details dob 19/11/83 tob 09:55am pob ajmer, rajasthan
  13. my name is deepak shharma. my dob 19/11/1983, tob 09:55 am ,pob ajmer (rajasthan). i have been facing negative feelings since 2005. i am getting weak day by day due to negative feelings.i don't know what to do?
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