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  1. The prophetic events that are currently occuring are not many and I only know a few. 1. In the bible it says, when Jerusalem is parted the end is nigh. Right now, they want to divide the land of Jerusalem. 2. The emergence of a "revived Roman Empire" - this is the rise of the EU (European Union) and the bible says it will become a world power one day. 3. In his book, "Beyond Iraq," Michael D. Evans says the war with Iraq marks a significant date. There is a verse in Jeremiah where it says Babylon will be defeated in the latter days "with expert arrows." This probably refers to laser-guided weapons. Also, ancient Babylon was Iraq! So it is possible that the overthrow of Saddam's regime is prophetically significant. 4. Have you heard of the "mark of the beast?" In the book of Revelation, it talks about a "mark" being inserted in the forehead or right hand and that no one will be able to buy or sell unless they receive the mark. Right now, there are companies in the United States that have developed this technology and they plan to implement it. It will be a "chip" inserted in the forehead or right hand and it will be used for your ID, banking, etc. Well, that's about all I can think of right now. Takecare. Yours truly, Jasvinder
  2. According to one bible scholar named Dr. Jack Van Impe, we are fast approaching the end of this age. Dr. Van Impe will be releasing a video cassette to the White House this month and in it he will talk about everything that is going to happen before the battle of Armageddon. Basically, he says a political leader is going to emerge out of the European Union (who will also be the anti-christ) and this leader is going to sign a 7 year peace plan between Israel and Palestine. But after 42 months (or 3.5 years) there will be no peace as Russia advances to the middle east to make war. Then China, North Korea, and other Asian countries advance to Israel to make war. Then finally, all nations come to Jerusalem to make war and this culminates into the battle of battles or Armageddon when Jesus Christ returns to put an end to all bloodshed. The world is remodeled and everything is made beautiful again. This is what mainstream Christians believe is going to happen in the very near future as prophetic events are already unfolding before our eyes. I hope I haven't offended anyone and I'm sorry if I have. I just thought I would post something that is different and maybe see what feedback I get. Yours truly, Jasvinder
  3. I have been wondering something for quite some time. The "kalki avatar" is supposed to come at the end of this age to restore peace to the world. He is seen riding a white horse and having a blazing sword in his hand. In the bible, in the book of Revelation - chapter 19 I believe, Jesus Christ is also seen riding a white horse and having a sharp sword. So my question is will Jesus Christ be the anticipated "kalki avatar?" If yes, I see a big problem. If Jesus Christ is "kalki" then only Christians can go to heaven and be saved from hell-fire. What will happen to all the non-christians such as Hindus, Muslims, Buddhists, Sikhs, etc. Will they be condemned to hell for eternity because they did not believe Jesus was the Son of God and died for their sins? Then God would not be fair right? What do y'all think?
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