I tried contacting him several times after that 2007 , but in vain.
Sir, I am really glad by this statement.
In my caliber ,yes Sir, I was considered as a good communicator, in school and in college I was called up ,for all speaking and writing related events. But, again that was 5.5 years ago.
Is that really bad, can things change at some point of time?
through out my life do I have to work as a contractual employee or is it just for a period?And my filed of occupation would be?
Is it a bad period? ( Please excuse me of my ignorance, coz I am poor in astrological terms)
I am planning to move to Pune ( currenty in Hyderabad) on Jan 1 2009, is it going to fetch something for me?
Is it 2009-10 or 2008-09?
I have tried Visa for U.S.A 2 times
1)21st December 2006 at 3:00 Pm , got rejected. ( H1B--> work visa)
2)17th Jan 2008 at 8:30 Am , got rejected ( F1-- Student Visa).
In MAY of this year ,I have applied for U.S.A H1B ( work visa ) got selected in the lottery System, and have to go for Visa interview , may be in end of January or 1st or 2nd week of February2009. ( I feel another failure awaits me there, but I have to make trials .)
I feel you like my guru , and there is no question of hiding anything from you Sir.
June 2003 i.e August 1999-June 2003 ( 4 years of Engineering)
How many, I dont remember the NO of trials , but I can say many ( may be around 50-60.
Absolutly Zero.
In fact I Owe.....around 3-4 laks to others. So, that was the reason I asked you for my financial status.( I don't have any bad habits ( drinking,smoking,lingering around girls... nothing of that sort) , except for passion for books).
Stand now, no where . Being overlooked and burden to society.What I was 9-10 years, I am still the same , physically,mentally etc etc, except for bit of change in thinking and additions of bits of knowledge.
And coming to chances , recently got selected in State Bank of India ( SBI ) prelims and have given the Main's examination on Nov 30th 2008 , awaiting for results and nothing else.
Sir, I am really in shambles ,I don't know how long this is going to continue.
Sir, is there any hope of light in near future.
But, I am thankful to my parents, 2 elder sisters and Brother-in-laws for standing by my side all these years.
Every idea is a dream for me right now.
Sir, how do u rate my Chart on scale of ( 0-10----- 0 least)
I feel it as not more than 2
Sir, Any remedies to follow so that I can get out of the situation as soon as possible,I was suggested to wear
Diamond on my left ring finger(in Gold) and Topaz on my right index finger in gold.