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  1. Jia guru dev Jai sriman narayana Thanks for the reply, I really appriciate for ur help, I will do this. Thanks again
  2. Hi guys, Yes its true that who ever do this sadhana with complete dedication will get darshan of apsara and they will provide all the pleasure and they will fullfill all ur wishes but.. there is a negetive side. As per one of thanthra book. the sadhaka should not meet any other lady or girls once he get sidhhi, according to menaka sadhana, once she will come to u she will make you happy with all the wishes. and she will protect you, its also mentioned that she will make u alive upto 5000 years but in the mean time if you meet any other girl or women then she will get angry and the person will come to death becos of her agaraham. so be carefull while choosing sadhanas. these are not joke. try to choose sadhanas for welfare of world and human kind, try to do sadhanas for good porpouses. what ever gad gave us is really good. use it for good. not for these foolish wishes. Jai gurudev Jai sriman narayana
  3. Jai gurudev Jai sriman narayana I have been visiting this site since two months but never asked any qustions, today I decided to join and discuss my problem with you guys. at present I am in really sad.. I mean very sad. I am working in a big company. I have every thing I want. Good parents,what ever mony I earn I think its enough for our happy life. only thing I am worried abt is abt one girl. its last few months back I met one girl who works in same company. really nice girl. very simple. I never felt that I am in love with her. but recently I got transferred to banglore. at that moment I felt exactly the pain. I was unable to leave her. any way I thought it will be ok then I left Hyderabad and went to banglore. but not even single day I forgot her. she is always in my mind. her innocence, her honesty. her deciplain. really who will lose that kind of girl? luckily i got transferred back to hyderabad again. but when I went to hydertabad I observed a change in her behaviour. she is avoiding me. may be even she got the feeling of love. hardly we met once for lunch but after that day she started to avoide me, she started to quarrel with me without any reason. but still I Love her. I want to marry her. I already accepted her as my wife heartfully and now I can not see her going away. pleass let me know any perfect sadhana which will defenitly work. I dont want to put her under my controle by using vashikaran. I want some procedure by which we both will get married happily. presently I am doing some routine sadhana as I am a Sri vaishnava brahmin I stopped trying to talk to her regarding my love as it is making her more uncomfirtable. she is worried abt her family. please let me do somethig so that she will get confidence and we also dont get any problem from her parents. any way my parents are always ok with my decesion. Please give the complete procedure.I dont want to do any mistake As this is my last hope.Give complete process, each step to follow,no matter how hard it is, I want to achive this. I never wished about lots of money,or lots of fame, I only belive if we have somebody whome we love most in our life, its the biggest achivement.I just want my love back. Expecting Positive reply Jai Gurudev Jai Sriman narayana
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