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Bhakti as the ultimate goal beyond mukti
vskd replied to Jahnava Nitai Das's topic in Spiritual Discussions
Dear Shivji, The foremost Advaitaacarya Sri Shankara Bhagavatpada said in his Viveka Chudamani- I prostrate myself before Govinda,<u> the true Guru and ultimate Bliss, who is the unattainable resort of all scriptures and Vedanta.</u> 1 These three things are hard to achieve, and are attained only by the grace of God - human nature, the desire for liberation, and<u> finding refuge with a great God realized sage.</u> 3 Discriminating and dispassionate, endowed with peace and similar qualities, and <u> longing for liberation (from Maya) - such is the man who is considered fit to practise seeking for God.</u> 17 Among the contributory factors of liberation(from Maya),<u> devotion stands supreme,</u> and it is the search for<u> one's own true nature that is meant by devotion.</u> 31 Prema Bhakti of Lord Kishna is BEYOND liberation and Srimad Bhagavatam is known as "Paramahamsaya Samhitam" - meant for liberated souls like Sri Sukadeva(Godrealized even before birth! ) and Maharaj Parikshit who (while in the womb itself) had been blessed with the vision of Lord Krishna. These Mahapurusha saints were given the privilege to relish "Prema Bhakti" through hearing and narrating the Great Scripture of Bhagavatam, which is said to be: "nigama-kalpa-taror galitaM phalaM zuka-mukhAd amRta-drava-samyutam pibata bhagavataM rasam Alayam muhur aho rasikA bhuvi bhAvukAH " (Bhagavatam 1.1.3) Meaning- O ye Rasik devotees possessing a TASTE for DIVINE JOY! Srimad Bhagavatam is the<u> FRUIT ESSENCE of the wish-yielding tree of Veda,</u> dropped on earth from the mouth of (Parrot*) Sage Suka, and full of the NECTAR of Supreme Bliss. It is UNMIXEd SWEETNESS (devoid of rind, seed or other superfluous matter). GO ON DRINKING this DIVINE NECTAR again and again till there is consciousness LEFT in you ! * It is well-known truth that a fruit bit by a parrot is EXCEPTIONALLY sweet. There is a pun on the word 'Suka' in this verse, which also means a parrot. (Translation by C.L.Goswami,M.A.,& Sastri) " sarva vedAnta sAraM hi zrI bhAgavatam iSyate tad rasAmRta tRptasya nAnyatrasvAd ratiH kvacit " (Srimad Bhagavatam 12.13.15) <u>The Glorious Bhagavatam is the QUINTESSENCE of ALL Scriptures and philosophies.... (Advaita, Visishata advaita, Dvaitaadvaita, Dvaita, etc.,)</u>. The essence of ALL these philosophies is to ENGROSS the MIND in the Names, Forms, Pastimes, Qualities and Abodes of Lord Krishna. This will RESULT in the ATTAINMENT of Divine Love Bliss through God's Grace. The ECSTASY of Divine Love, eternally INCREASES through constant ASSOCIATION with the Names, Attributes, and Pastimes of the Lord. Who ever has been satisfied with relishing the Immortalizing Nectar of Bhagagavata, will NOT ENJOY any other Scripture nor look for any other SOURCE of pleasure at any time! " nimnagAnAM yathA gaMgA devAnAm acyuto yathA vaiSNavAnAM yathA zambhuH purANAnAm idaM tathA kSetrANAM caiva sarveSAM yathA kAzI hyonuttamA tathA purANa vratAnAM zrI mad bhAgavataM dvijAH " (Srimad Bhagavatam 12.13.16,17) Just as the celestial Ganges is the most Holy among all the flowing rivers, just as Lord Krishna is the Supreme among all Divine Personalties, just as Lord Siva is the most Exalted Lover of Vishnu, just as the City of Kasi is the most Sacred among all Holy places, Srimad Bhagavatam is also the most fulfilling vow as well as the most elevated Scripture among all other auspicious Puranas. Moreover the Blessed Author was the SAME Sri Vyasadeva, who had compiled the Vedas, Upanishads and given the Brahma sutras, Mahabharata as well as other puranas. He himself warned the seekers of Prema Bhakti in Srimad Bhagavatam - "zrutamapya upaniSadaM dUre hari kathAmRtAt yanna saMti dravacitta kaMpAzru pulakAdayaH" It is in the best interest of the devotees who are<u> eager to attain the 'Prema Bhakti'</u> that they should REMAIN at a DISTANCE to the DRY INTELLECTUALISM and Subtle Knowledge given in the UPANISHADS, even though it is pertaining to God (Brahman). The reason being, that THOSE Scriptural statements are INCAPABLE of melting the heart of the devotee by producing the 'Sattvica Bhava Vikara' enjoyable Divine Love Ecstasies such as TEARS,TREMORS, HORRIPILATION, SWEATING, TRANCE etc., as they DO NOT consist the Nectar of Hari Katha, the Sweet Pastimes of Lord Hari. Lord Krishna says it is impossible for the heart be PURIFIED without Pure Bhakti! Lord Krishna says to Uddhavaji- "kathaM vinA rOmaharSaM dravatA cetasA vinA vinAnandAzru kalayA zudhyed bhaktyA vinAzayaH" (Bhagavatam 11.14.23,24) How can the mind and heart <u> be purified without devotional attachment characterized by a softening of the heart</u>, the hair standing on end and TEARS OF LOVE AND JOY FLOWING OUT OF EYES? A Prema bhakta of Mine whose speech is broken BY SOBS, whose heart MELTS and WHO WITHOUT ANY SHAME, SOMETIMES WEEPS PROFUSELY, or LAUGHS, OR SINGS ALOUD,OR DANCES, PURIFIES THE WHOLE UNIVERSE. 'vandanIya hai upaniSat, yAme jnAn mahAn, zyAma prema binu jnAn so, prANa hIna tanu jAn' (Bhakti Sataka- verse 88) "Upanishads are esteemed because they contain immense Divine knowledge. <u>But this knowledge DOES NOT produce nor increase ONE'S LOVE for Sri Krishna.</u> Hence such knowledge is compared to an unconscious body without life and motion and not to be solicited by Prema Bhaktas! Jaya Sri Radhey! [This message has been edited by vskd (edited 06-21-2001).] -
Bhakti as the ultimate goal beyond mukti
vskd replied to Jahnava Nitai Das's topic in The Hinduism Forum
Dear Shivji, The foremost Advaitaacarya Sri Shankara Bhagavatpada said in his Viveka Chudamani- I prostrate myself before Govinda,<u> the true Guru and ultimate Bliss, who is the unattainable resort of all scriptures and Vedanta.</u> 1 These three things are hard to achieve, and are attained only by the grace of God - human nature, the desire for liberation, and<u> finding refuge with a great God realized sage.</u> 3 Discriminating and dispassionate, endowed with peace and similar qualities, and <u> longing for liberation (from Maya) - such is the man who is considered fit to practise seeking for God.</u> 17 Among the contributory factors of liberation(from Maya),<u> devotion stands supreme,</u> and it is the search for<u> one's own true nature that is meant by devotion.</u> 31 Prema Bhakti of Lord Kishna is BEYOND liberation and Srimad Bhagavatam is known as "Paramahamsaya Samhitam" - meant for liberated souls like Sri Sukadeva(Godrealized even before birth! ) and Maharaj Parikshit who (while in the womb itself) had been blessed with the vision of Lord Krishna. These Mahapurusha saints were given the privilege to relish "Prema Bhakti" through hearing and narrating the Great Scripture of Bhagavatam, which is said to be: "nigama-kalpa-taror galitaM phalaM zuka-mukhAd amRta-drava-samyutam pibata bhagavataM rasam Alayam muhur aho rasikA bhuvi bhAvukAH " (Bhagavatam 1.1.3) Meaning- O ye Rasik devotees possessing a TASTE for DIVINE JOY! Srimad Bhagavatam is the<u> FRUIT ESSENCE of the wish-yielding tree of Veda,</u> dropped on earth from the mouth of (Parrot*) Sage Suka, and full of the NECTAR of Supreme Bliss. It is UNMIXEd SWEETNESS (devoid of rind, seed or other superfluous matter). GO ON DRINKING this DIVINE NECTAR again and again till there is consciousness LEFT in you ! * It is well-known truth that a fruit bit by a parrot is EXCEPTIONALLY sweet. There is a pun on the word 'Suka' in this verse, which also means a parrot. (Translation by C.L.Goswami,M.A.,& Sastri) " sarva vedAnta sAraM hi zrI bhAgavatam iSyate tad rasAmRta tRptasya nAnyatrasvAd ratiH kvacit " (Srimad Bhagavatam 12.13.15) <u>The Glorious Bhagavatam is the QUINTESSENCE of ALL Scriptures and philosophies.... (Advaita, Visishata advaita, Dvaitaadvaita, Dvaita, etc.,)</u>. The essence of ALL these philosophies is to ENGROSS the MIND in the Names, Forms, Pastimes, Qualities and Abodes of Lord Krishna. This will RESULT in the ATTAINMENT of Divine Love Bliss through God's Grace. The ECSTASY of Divine Love, eternally INCREASES through constant ASSOCIATION with the Names, Attributes, and Pastimes of the Lord. Who ever has been satisfied with relishing the Immortalizing Nectar of Bhagagavata, will NOT ENJOY any other Scripture nor look for any other SOURCE of pleasure at any time! " nimnagAnAM yathA gaMgA devAnAm acyuto yathA vaiSNavAnAM yathA zambhuH purANAnAm idaM tathA kSetrANAM caiva sarveSAM yathA kAzI hyonuttamA tathA purANa vratAnAM zrI mad bhAgavataM dvijAH " (Srimad Bhagavatam 12.13.16,17) Just as the celestial Ganges is the most Holy among all the flowing rivers, just as Lord Krishna is the Supreme among all Divine Personalties, just as Lord Siva is the most Exalted Lover of Vishnu, just as the City of Kasi is the most Sacred among all Holy places, Srimad Bhagavatam is also the most fulfilling vow as well as the most elevated Scripture among all other auspicious Puranas. Moreover the Blessed Author was the SAME Sri Vyasadeva, who had compiled the Vedas, Upanishads and given the Brahma sutras, Mahabharata as well as other puranas. He himself warned the seekers of Prema Bhakti in Srimad Bhagavatam - "zrutamapya upaniSadaM dUre hari kathAmRtAt yanna saMti dravacitta kaMpAzru pulakAdayaH" It is in the best interest of the devotees who are<u> eager to attain the 'Prema Bhakti'</u> that they should REMAIN at a DISTANCE to the DRY INTELLECTUALISM and Subtle Knowledge given in the UPANISHADS, even though it is pertaining to God (Brahman). The reason being, that THOSE Scriptural statements are INCAPABLE of melting the heart of the devotee by producing the 'Sattvica Bhava Vikara' enjoyable Divine Love Ecstasies such as TEARS,TREMORS, HORRIPILATION, SWEATING, TRANCE etc., as they DO NOT consist the Nectar of Hari Katha, the Sweet Pastimes of Lord Hari. Lord Krishna says it is impossible for the heart be PURIFIED without Pure Bhakti! Lord Krishna says to Uddhavaji- "kathaM vinA rOmaharSaM dravatA cetasA vinA vinAnandAzru kalayA zudhyed bhaktyA vinAzayaH" (Bhagavatam 11.14.23,24) How can the mind and heart <u> be purified without devotional attachment characterized by a softening of the heart</u>, the hair standing on end and TEARS OF LOVE AND JOY FLOWING OUT OF EYES? A Prema bhakta of Mine whose speech is broken BY SOBS, whose heart MELTS and WHO WITHOUT ANY SHAME, SOMETIMES WEEPS PROFUSELY, or LAUGHS, OR SINGS ALOUD,OR DANCES, PURIFIES THE WHOLE UNIVERSE. 'vandanIya hai upaniSat, yAme jnAn mahAn, zyAma prema binu jnAn so, prANa hIna tanu jAn' (Bhakti Sataka- verse 88) "Upanishads are esteemed because they contain immense Divine knowledge. <u>But this knowledge DOES NOT produce nor increase ONE'S LOVE for Sri Krishna.</u> Hence such knowledge is compared to an unconscious body without life and motion and not to be solicited by Prema Bhaktas! Jaya Sri Radhey! [This message has been edited by vskd (edited 06-21-2001).] -
Bhakti as the ultimate goal beyond mukti
vskd replied to Jahnava Nitai Das's topic in Spiritual Discussions
Another Divinity apart from Sri Gauranga and Smt. Mirabai that comes to my mind is the Lady Saint Goda Devi, Andaal- of Sri Vaishnava sect. The esteemed Lover of Lord, Srimati Goda Devi( Andal), the Mirabai of South India had composed the beautiful, transcendental poetry, soul-stirring 'Tiru Pavai'. "......The supreme devotees of God, who are in a state of perpetual soul-communion and union with God, are patterns of Divine Love. In Sri Vaishnavism they are called Azhwars (Alvars). The Tamil term Alwar signifies- "He who dives deep into the ocean of countless auspicious attributes of God", and the corresponding feminine term is ANDAL - "She who dives deep into the ocean of love divine". That is the generic term Alwar, which is applied only to eleven saints, has become the distictive appellation of a single saint, itself speaks volumes of spiritual eminence of that DIVINE MAIDEN, shining as a STAR of Bridal Mysticism..... ...Her surrender to Her Chosen Bridegroom was so complete that there was absolutely no trace in it of self-seeking or jealousy, no single stain or shade of human weakness or impurity. She was the "burning Sappho" endowed with the Pure Passion of KRISHNA-PREMA (Love of Lord Krishna), and Her WHOLE LIFE WAS A POEM of Growth and Fulfillment of that DIVINE BRIDAL LONGING. What a PASSIONATE FERVOUR of MYSTIC LOVE FOR KRISHNA is revealed in Her verses!......." (Excerpts from -"Women Saints of East and West- 'Andal' by Swami Paramatmananda of Sri Ramakrishna Math, Madras, India.") "......Before proceeding further concerning the detailed contents of "Tiruppaavai", it is necessary to give a life sketch of the poet-saint. Goda devi (Andaal) was the foster daughter of the Tamil Saint Vishnucitta, also known as PeriAlvaar.... .......Periaalvar recognized immediately the Divine nature of his foster daughter, who could ONLY be offered to Him (God) as a bride. it is said that he described to Goda the various shrines in India and the presiding dieteies and that Goda set her heart on marrying NONE other than Sri Ranganatha, the Lord of the Sri Rangam temple. No wonder that this God-hungry Divine damsel succeeded in her ambition of securing HIM for her Consort. There are different versions about Goda's UNION with the Lord. One is that Lord Ranganatha appeared to Periaalvar in a dream and asked for Goda's hand. Periaalvar took her to Sri Rangam with all splendour of a MARRIAGE party. As soon as She went to the shrine of Lord Ranganatha, SHE MERGED into the LORD. The other version is that Lord Ranganatha went to Sri Villipuram (native town of Goda) to WED Goda at the shrine there and thereafter She was MERGED in the Lord. Some say that both happened. These are matters of detail. The heart of the story is that Goda's UNION with the Lord took place AS PER HER WISHES! She CONQUERED the Lord and RULED over HIM and hence She came to be known as ANDAAL, also means Protector of ALL beings. The simple maiden became a great Saint......." (Source- 'Tituppaavai of Goda'- Our Lady Saint Andaal's Garland of Krishna Poem' by S.L.N.Simha) The Gopi-bhava Rasik-Saint Sri Bilvamangala Thakur says in Sri Krishna Karnamritam- "bhaktis tvayi sthira tarA bhagavanyadisyAd devana naH phaliti divya kizoramUrtiH, muktiH svayaM mukulitAJjali sevate 'smAn dharmArtha kAmagatayaH samaya pratIkSA" (SKK-1.107) "trisatya bhaktireva garIyasI, bhaktir eva garIyasI" (Narada Bhakti Sutra - 81) "ONLY Prema Bhakti, Divine Love of the Absolute, Eternal Lord is the GREATEST; this Prema Bhakti, INDEED is the Greatest." Jaya Sri Radhey! -
Bhakti as the ultimate goal beyond mukti
vskd replied to Jahnava Nitai Das's topic in The Hinduism Forum
Another Divinity apart from Sri Gauranga and Smt. Mirabai that comes to my mind is the Lady Saint Goda Devi, Andaal- of Sri Vaishnava sect. The esteemed Lover of Lord, Srimati Goda Devi( Andal), the Mirabai of South India had composed the beautiful, transcendental poetry, soul-stirring 'Tiru Pavai'. "......The supreme devotees of God, who are in a state of perpetual soul-communion and union with God, are patterns of Divine Love. In Sri Vaishnavism they are called Azhwars (Alvars). The Tamil term Alwar signifies- "He who dives deep into the ocean of countless auspicious attributes of God", and the corresponding feminine term is ANDAL - "She who dives deep into the ocean of love divine". That is the generic term Alwar, which is applied only to eleven saints, has become the distictive appellation of a single saint, itself speaks volumes of spiritual eminence of that DIVINE MAIDEN, shining as a STAR of Bridal Mysticism..... ...Her surrender to Her Chosen Bridegroom was so complete that there was absolutely no trace in it of self-seeking or jealousy, no single stain or shade of human weakness or impurity. She was the "burning Sappho" endowed with the Pure Passion of KRISHNA-PREMA (Love of Lord Krishna), and Her WHOLE LIFE WAS A POEM of Growth and Fulfillment of that DIVINE BRIDAL LONGING. What a PASSIONATE FERVOUR of MYSTIC LOVE FOR KRISHNA is revealed in Her verses!......." (Excerpts from -"Women Saints of East and West- 'Andal' by Swami Paramatmananda of Sri Ramakrishna Math, Madras, India.") "......Before proceeding further concerning the detailed contents of "Tiruppaavai", it is necessary to give a life sketch of the poet-saint. Goda devi (Andaal) was the foster daughter of the Tamil Saint Vishnucitta, also known as PeriAlvaar.... .......Periaalvar recognized immediately the Divine nature of his foster daughter, who could ONLY be offered to Him (God) as a bride. it is said that he described to Goda the various shrines in India and the presiding dieteies and that Goda set her heart on marrying NONE other than Sri Ranganatha, the Lord of the Sri Rangam temple. No wonder that this God-hungry Divine damsel succeeded in her ambition of securing HIM for her Consort. There are different versions about Goda's UNION with the Lord. One is that Lord Ranganatha appeared to Periaalvar in a dream and asked for Goda's hand. Periaalvar took her to Sri Rangam with all splendour of a MARRIAGE party. As soon as She went to the shrine of Lord Ranganatha, SHE MERGED into the LORD. The other version is that Lord Ranganatha went to Sri Villipuram (native town of Goda) to WED Goda at the shrine there and thereafter She was MERGED in the Lord. Some say that both happened. These are matters of detail. The heart of the story is that Goda's UNION with the Lord took place AS PER HER WISHES! She CONQUERED the Lord and RULED over HIM and hence She came to be known as ANDAAL, also means Protector of ALL beings. The simple maiden became a great Saint......." (Source- 'Tituppaavai of Goda'- Our Lady Saint Andaal's Garland of Krishna Poem' by S.L.N.Simha) The Gopi-bhava Rasik-Saint Sri Bilvamangala Thakur says in Sri Krishna Karnamritam- "bhaktis tvayi sthira tarA bhagavanyadisyAd devana naH phaliti divya kizoramUrtiH, muktiH svayaM mukulitAJjali sevate 'smAn dharmArtha kAmagatayaH samaya pratIkSA" (SKK-1.107) "trisatya bhaktireva garIyasI, bhaktir eva garIyasI" (Narada Bhakti Sutra - 81) "ONLY Prema Bhakti, Divine Love of the Absolute, Eternal Lord is the GREATEST; this Prema Bhakti, INDEED is the Greatest." Jaya Sri Radhey! -
Bhakti as the ultimate goal beyond mukti
vskd replied to Jahnava Nitai Das's topic in Spiritual Discussions
More verses glorifying Bhakti Devi: " AtmA ramazca munayo nirgranthA apyurukrame kurvanty ahaitukI bhakti mitthaM bhUta guNe hariH " " harerguNAkSipta matir bhagavAn bAdarAyaNiH adhyagAn mahad AkhyAnaM nityaM viSNujanapriyaH " (Srimad Bhagavatam 1.7.10,11) Suta replied: Even the LIBERATED Sages who delight in the Supreme Self (Brahman) alone and the knot of whose ignorance (Maya) has been cut asunder get engaged and absorbed in Sefless Devotion TO SRI HARI! Those who have ATTAINED the State of Paramahamsas become forcibly attracted to Lord Krishna. There is definitely some remarkable special power in Him. Such are His virtues! This was TRUE ALL the MORE of the Divine Sage Sukadeva, son of Veda Vyasa (Baadaraayana) and the beloved of Lord Vishnu's OWN Associates, who studied this Great Chronicle (Bhagavatam) every day, his God realized MIND having been CAPTIVATED by Sri Hari's Excellences. "muktAnAmapi siddhAnAM nArayaNa parAyaNaH sudurlabhaH prazAnt AtmA kotiSv api mahAmune" (Sri Bhagavatam 6.14.5) Even among ten millions of those who have been rid of identification with the body etc.,(LIBERATED SOULS) and even realized the Supreme Self (Brahman), he whose entire being is perfectly serene and solely (spontaneously) devoted to Lord Narayana is MOST difficult to FIND. In other words, there is seldom a fortunate Paramahamsa Mukta (Liberated Mahatma) among millions, WHO attain that Bliss of Divine Love (Prema Bhakti- Vraja Madhurya Rasa). In C.C.2.17.134 and Bhakti Rasamrita Sindhu, it is said - "athaH zrI kRSNa nAmAdi na bhaved grAhyam indriyaiH, sevonmukhe jihvAdau svayam eva sphuraty adaH" "ataeva kRSNera 'nAma','deha','vilAsa' prAkRtendriya grAhya nahe, haya sva prakAza" With these "(Non liberated) Mayic material mind, senses devoid of Divne Love", one can not even understand nor percieve the Transcendental form, Holy Name, and His Blissful Divine exploits. However, when one is actually devoted to Him in Spontaneous Loving Relationship, LORD is revealed to that liberated soul by His Divine Grace. Jaya, Jaya Sri Radhey! -
Bhakti as the ultimate goal beyond mukti
vskd replied to Jahnava Nitai Das's topic in The Hinduism Forum
More verses glorifying Bhakti Devi: " AtmA ramazca munayo nirgranthA apyurukrame kurvanty ahaitukI bhakti mitthaM bhUta guNe hariH " " harerguNAkSipta matir bhagavAn bAdarAyaNiH adhyagAn mahad AkhyAnaM nityaM viSNujanapriyaH " (Srimad Bhagavatam 1.7.10,11) Suta replied: Even the LIBERATED Sages who delight in the Supreme Self (Brahman) alone and the knot of whose ignorance (Maya) has been cut asunder get engaged and absorbed in Sefless Devotion TO SRI HARI! Those who have ATTAINED the State of Paramahamsas become forcibly attracted to Lord Krishna. There is definitely some remarkable special power in Him. Such are His virtues! This was TRUE ALL the MORE of the Divine Sage Sukadeva, son of Veda Vyasa (Baadaraayana) and the beloved of Lord Vishnu's OWN Associates, who studied this Great Chronicle (Bhagavatam) every day, his God realized MIND having been CAPTIVATED by Sri Hari's Excellences. "muktAnAmapi siddhAnAM nArayaNa parAyaNaH sudurlabhaH prazAnt AtmA kotiSv api mahAmune" (Sri Bhagavatam 6.14.5) Even among ten millions of those who have been rid of identification with the body etc.,(LIBERATED SOULS) and even realized the Supreme Self (Brahman), he whose entire being is perfectly serene and solely (spontaneously) devoted to Lord Narayana is MOST difficult to FIND. In other words, there is seldom a fortunate Paramahamsa Mukta (Liberated Mahatma) among millions, WHO attain that Bliss of Divine Love (Prema Bhakti- Vraja Madhurya Rasa). In C.C.2.17.134 and Bhakti Rasamrita Sindhu, it is said - "athaH zrI kRSNa nAmAdi na bhaved grAhyam indriyaiH, sevonmukhe jihvAdau svayam eva sphuraty adaH" "ataeva kRSNera 'nAma','deha','vilAsa' prAkRtendriya grAhya nahe, haya sva prakAza" With these "(Non liberated) Mayic material mind, senses devoid of Divne Love", one can not even understand nor percieve the Transcendental form, Holy Name, and His Blissful Divine exploits. However, when one is actually devoted to Him in Spontaneous Loving Relationship, LORD is revealed to that liberated soul by His Divine Grace. Jaya, Jaya Sri Radhey! -
Bhakti as the ultimate goal beyond mukti
vskd replied to Jahnava Nitai Das's topic in Spiritual Discussions
QUOTE]Originally posted by jndas: Up till now I'm the only one who has provided a traditional definition to these words. I would appreciate you doing the same rather than just talking and talking about definitions. Don't post some flowery passage from Kathopanishad describing how one will attain mukti. What you should post is a definition. -
Bhakti as the ultimate goal beyond mukti
vskd replied to Jahnava Nitai Das's topic in The Hinduism Forum
QUOTE]Originally posted by jndas: Up till now I'm the only one who has provided a traditional definition to these words. I would appreciate you doing the same rather than just talking and talking about definitions. Don't post some flowery passage from Kathopanishad describing how one will attain mukti. What you should post is a definition.