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Everything posted by BKhambaty

  1. USR Sirj, Nmaskar, Sirj please rely.... Rgds, BK
  2. Dear Webyogiji and all gurus, DOB : 31/08/2007 Time :09:08 AM Place : Mumbai Plesae let me know the implications of rahu in the 7th house in Pieces... Rgd, BK
  3. Dear All gurus.... Any more updates on the said chart..... DOB : 31/08/2006 Time : 09:08 AM Place : Mumbai Thx Rgds, BK
  4. Swamiji, I have no clue what u have written...... Regards, BK
  5. Thx for your comments.... I given my sons details again : DOB : 31/08/2006 Time : 09:08 AM Place : Mumbai Virgo Ascedent - Having Mars in few Degrees and Ketu in 2 degrees.... hence both of these planets move to the 12th bhava in bhava Kundli... Hence Bhava kundli will be : Virgo Ascedent , Ketu, Mars, Sun and Mercury in the 12th House, Jupiter in 2nd and Rahu in Sixth and Venus and Saturn in 11th house... With the above combination what can be life like with so much of domination of the 12th house in the chart? Kindly Advise... Regards, BK.
  6. Dear All Gurus, Namaskaram, My son has 4 planets in Bhava Kundli in the 12 house with Virgo Ascedent - Mars,Ketu,Sun and Mercury. What's his life going to be like.....???? Jupiter in 2nd and Rahu in 6th and Venus and Saturn in 11th house... respectively.... Please Give / Share your valuable comments..... Regards, BK
  7. Thx All the Gurus..... My experience is that if it in the midpoint then you guies are correct. If it changes the bhava in Bhava/Chalit then the predictions vary.... I know somebody with Sun and Mercury in 12th with Virgo Ascedent that guy is Brilliant CA and has earned a fortune by the age of 34.... He already has 3 offices in the prime area of Mumbai and still moving ahead.... Regards, BK
  8. Dear Raviji, and VBV, Please throw some light on this.... Rgds, BK
  9. Dear All Gurus. I am waiting for all your expert comments.... Rgds, BK
  10. Dear Guruji's Please let me know the impact of Rahu in the 7th house of Virgo Ascendent..... Rgds, BK
  11. Ravi Greetings. Thank you very much for a great reply and sharig your experience.. ..... God Bless you too!!!! Regards, BK
  12. Dear All Guruji's... I am tryig to get answer to the question What is the implication of the Lagna lord in the 12th house conjunct with the 12th lord? Regards, BK
  13. Thx Vipats. Your are correct this DOB is of my son who is nearing three years of age. As far as I know, Mercury is th only planet which gives best results when combust - than any other planet. SUN again in its own house and Karaka of father would it bring conflict with the father????? Other Gurus Kindly Opine........ Regards, BK
  14. Dear Guruji's. DOB : 31/08/2006 Time : 09:08 AM Place : Mumbai Lagna : Virgo Lagna : Ketu and Mars 2nd House : Jupiter 3rd House : Moon 7th Hosue : Rahu 11th House : Venus and Saturn 12th house : Sun and Mercury Please give me the implications of the lagna lord in th 12th with 12th..... Regards, BK
  15. Dear Astro Dineshji, Namaskar, DOB : 05/12/1964 Place : Mumbai Time : 05:30 AM Sex ; M Presently living in Mumbai. Kindly let me know how will be my future financial periods, and will I travel abroad for long durations... I want to start a new business will I be successful? Thanking you in advance , Regards, BK
  16. Dear Webyogiji, Namaskar, Thx a lot for your most valuable opinion. Regards, BK
  17. DEAR WEBYOGIJI, Namaskar, Thx a lot for your most valuable opinion. Regards, BK
  18. Webyogiji, Pleassssse Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasssee Help.....
  19. Dear Sirs, Can anybody help.... Webyogiji... Sadhuji.. Please comment... Regards & Thx, BK
  20. Dear Sirs, Can anybody help.... Webyogiji... Sadhuji.. Please comment... Regards & Thx, BK
  21. Dear Guruji, Please please look into this chart and give suggestive dates for marriage... Regards, BK
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