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  1. Sandhu ji... can you continure your verses......I am Virgo ascendent....what are malefics and benefics to me. DOD:- 29-Nov-1982 Time:- 2:43 AM Place:- Vijayawada,AP,India Thanks Ravikiran
  2. Plzzzz....Somebody reply soon....time is running out....need your help and inputs....
  3. Hi I didnt get you ... This is one of the very interesting threads....just curious to know what G Singh is up to....did he find the wind fall or not.....where is he and what is he doing right now.....
  4. Hello Sir, Can you please spare some time on this birth details also DOB:- 29-Nov-1982 Time:- 2:43 AM Place:- vijayawada,A.P Up until few days ago its been a smooth life. So now thought of improve in career to a next level. Currently i am working as Software engineer and I have a disperate passion towards Management/Administraion related field. So planned to take some exam. But lately i heard couple of bad news in my Job which is not in favour of me and with those things in mind i am not able to concentrate fully on to my exam. I am planning to schedule the exam on 31st March 2009. Will I be able to acheive my target in near future. Thanks and appreciate all your efforts to this forum
  5. Hey G Singh, Are you still active in this forum....if yes can you please tell us where you stand today..... sorry for asking this question soo late...i am a new entrant here... Thanks Ravikiran
  6. Any thoughts??? Or is there any other place where i need to write in??
  7. Hello Webyogiji & all eminent scholars in the forum, Please pore in your thoughts on the mentioned chart...it would be a very good learning experience for folks like us who want to learn the Jyotishya from ppl like you. Thanks Ravikiran
  8. The native birth details are as follows 29-Nov-1982 Time- 2:43 AM Place of birth is TANUKU, A.P, India (you can consider Hyderabad also i believe) The native is of Kanya Lagna, with exalted saturn in second house. The interesting thing lies with planets in Upachaya (3rd house) 3rd house is filled with Ve,Me,Ju and Su. The native has Ma,Ke in 4th and Chandrashtama. Ra in 10th. What kind of career do you pridict for the native. Is it depending on 10th Lord Me (which has cojunction of Ve,Ju and Su) or is it based on Ra who is exalted in the 10th house.(He has an aspect of Ma though). Ma in the 4th is making Manglik for the native (but degrees are 25+ itself). The native has Chandra dasa (he is in 8th though) running. What kind of career he will settle down in as he is planning for a career shift. (the native is a S/W engineer now and he got married an year ago) Ravikiran
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