Please feel free to say what ever you feel. I will not get offended but will feel happy, if the thread provokes interest
Based on my personal experience, Mars (2nd and 7th lord), Mercury (9th and 12th lord) are strongest, and Moon (10th lord) is weakest. However, I got a job soon after graduating in engineering (good job), and am currently working as an Assistant with full scholarship in MBA.
However, my problems are not financial, academic or professional in nature.
I have good things in life, but feel confined, introverted, disinterested in making friends, going out, etc.
They are of a complex nature, -> unhappiness, feeling restricted, not achieving my potential, disinterested in life.
And this feeling was not there before. It started only after June 1999, exactly when Saturn crossed 180 degrees from Lagna. I know it is Kaal Sarpa, because I feel dead emotionally.