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  1. hi, it is very difficult to digest, but any thing i can do to avoid it in coming future?? rgds/ vikas
  2. hi i am vikas utekar here... please note my birth detail as under DOB :- 26/6/1976 Time - 11.05 am Day - Saturday Place - Thane - Maharastra - india I am facing major problem from 2003 onwards... just to breif 1. Two love life destroyed... i was about to marry but it fails with both Partner 2. Marriage broken in 20 Days 3. Lost Job - Twice 4. Lost major money in investment 5. Health problem I donot understand why it is happening.... What time this bad phase will be over... What should i do to have normal life rgds/ vikas
  3. eat food like paneer, milk, pottato, rice take 4 meals a day excercise regularly
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