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  1. Dear Sir Date Of Birth : 25-05-1973 Time Of Birth : 23:55 Place Of Birth : Pondicherry, India Your current status : CUrrently Unemolpyed Educational background : MA Lit Major events : marriage 25-02-2002 Ist kid Born 06-02-2003 2nd Kid Born 27-07-2004 Family background Father : Service Mother : Service Brothers : 1 Elder Employed Sisters : 1 Elder Employed I was working in Dubai for the past 2 years and everything was Going smoothly Suddenly i lost my job in September last year, and am looking for a job Everywhere. my family and kids are suffering. I have had too many career changes and uncertainties and have not rosen a fraction of what my friends and peers have done, no surety of the future causing family distres, personal stress and tension. My trust has always been betrayed yet i seem to keep trusting people. I lose focus many a times. Plesae let me know when I shall feel relieved and how.
  2. Dear Sir Date Of Birth : 25-05-1973 Time Of Birth : 23:55 Place Of Birth : Pondicherry, India Your current status : CUrrently Unemolpyed Educational background : MA Lit Major events : marriage 25-02-2002 Ist kid Born 06-02-2003 2nd Kid Born 27-07-2004 Family background Father : Service Mother : Service Brothers : 1 Elder Employed Sisters : 1 Elder Employed I was working in Dubai for the past 2 years and everything was Going smoothly Suddenly i lost my job in September last year, and am looking for a job Everywhere. my family and kids are suffering. I have had too many career changes and uncertainties and have not rosen a fraction of what my friends and peers have done, no surety of the future causing family distres, personal stress and tension. My trust has always been betrayed yet i seem to keep trusting people. I lose focus many a times. Plesae let me know when I shall feel relieved and how.
  3. Radiskumar


    Hai Every Body i am new to this forum. i have a few questions in astrology. how do i start.
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