Dear Sasisekaran Ji and Other'S.Need astrological suggestions,
I have a marriage and relation related query.
One of my frend(girl) married to a person.There she felt lot of troubles
like always doubting husband and that led her to face physical torture too.
but still she opted not to get separated from him, that guy asked divorce and now
after lot of struggles she to decided to get apart from him.
all this happened for her within a short span of time after marriage.
Now seeing all this and her suffering im thinking to marry her and give her a life.
Is this a good suggestion from my side? Bcos after a long struggle i got a joband still facing mental disturbances due to work pressure along with this thinking about problem of this girl.
Please find some time to look in to the charts of all and need
suggestions about my decision
Details :
girl dOB : 21-JUL-84,12.30 pm aftnoon,ERODE(tamil nadu)
boy: dob : 22-oct-77,5:30pm,Chennai(tamil nadu)
marrig date : 03-dec-2008,morning
my details : 4-jan-83,6:36 am,madurai
thank u.