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  • Biography
    soul in search of god and of soulmate (if there is any such thing) :-)
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  • Interests
    Meditation - vipassayana, Naad bramha , computers and reading tibbetan literature
  • Occupation
    Software and IT pro

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  1. Pranaam Time is subject matter of observance, hence of mind the manah. In absolute present state there is no use of time and hence its not felt in the stages of higher consciousness as a reality, hence the term Turiya, becasue everything stands still and the obeserver is completely lost in the subject and not in the object. With object comes the comparison of present past and imagination of future. So in other words time has no existence, as we know of it, in form of mechanical hands moving and solar events in the spritual world.
  2. Respected Ashish ji I am very impressed by your selfless service for the humanity and those in need of help. I would like you to please have a look at my kundali my details are as given below. Date of birth : 25 september 1974 Time of Birth : 19:45 Place of birth : Srinagar , Jammu and Kashmir My question is when will I attain to maariage (if ever ,that is) and how are the chances of being successfull in business of IT and software ? I will be highly oblized if you can shed some light on 2Ms of my life, ie, money and marriage please. Regards Eternal
  3. Respected Jitu Many thanks for your insigt into my atmakarak, you are right about the distractions in form of feminine and beauty. I will work on it from now on. Many thanks Regards Eternal
  4. Saadar Namaste, I am taking some time out to learn the science of Vedic Astrology and I am confused as the interpretations are not going in synch with my life, specifically on the spritual and material planes. My Birth details are as follows Date of Birth : 25 september 1974 Time of Birth : 19:45 Place of Birth : Srinagar , Jammu and kashmir Can someone help me understand the spritual and material aspects and effects of my chart please ? you can also mail me eternalme@rediffmail.com Many thanks for your time and sincere regards Eternal
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