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  1. It gives me immense pleasure to announce that Phase 3 of National Library of Ayurveda Medicine (NLAM), an comprehensive online databse of Ayurveda Formularly is complete. The repository aims to help Ayurveda students, Research scholars, Faculty and others interested and intrigued by Ayurveda. It furthers aims at helping common man to understand Ayurveda formulations, the way they are prepared and the ingredients used. The utility is First of its kind displaying data on standard terms with proper explanation and co-relation of Ayurveda terms, Ayurveda Plants , Ayurveda Minerals, Ayurveda Metals, Ayurveda terminologies etc. which contributes placing a small stone towards standardizing Ayurveda. I request you to browse the repository which I sincerely hope may prove useful in terms of study and reference material of Ayurveda drugs with in-depth details. National Library of Ayurveda Medicine. (NLAM) URL (Web address): http : //nlam.in FEATURES TEXT SEARCH NLAM repository TEXT BASED SEARCH ENGINE is unique and bult from scratch in accordance with various phoenitics associated with pronounciations of Ayurveda formulations, herbs and other entities. For example the Ayurveda formulation Amvatari can be spelled in differnt ways like amvatari,amwatari,amvaatari,amwaatari,amavatari,amawatari,amavaatari,amawaatari,aamvatari,aamwatari,aamvaatari,aamwaatari,aamavatari,aamawatari,aamavaatari,aamawaatari. Hence to account for such situation, the need was felt to build the search engine keywords on these lines of phoenitics which may differ from user to user. The entire keyowrds have been generated using Sanskrit Laws of grammar (Panini Vyakrana Sutra) to ensure that the user gets the desired information. The search also ggives user acces to over 600 plants in the NLAM database. ADVANCED SEARCH FOR DATA MINING The advanced search option installed at the NLAM repository, gives user a dynamic interface to data mine Ayurveda information. This option is specifically suited for sttudents, researchers and teachers of Ayurveda to generate specific information for analysis and comparitive studies. Certain features are listed as follows. Search Formulations containing Metals, Minerals (Land & Sea), Gemstones, Kajjali, Salt, Caustic, Animal products and Plant Products. Search Formulations as per preparation methods; Sanyukta-Kalpa, Guggul, Churn, Kwaath (decoction), Bhasma (calcinied ash) etc. Combination of 1 +2. Apart from this there are two other section where you can gain information about individual INGREDIENTS, TREATISE and AUTHORS. The advanced search module does not give direct access to over 600 plants at NLAM database due to brevity concerns. Since plants form a complex ingredient network of Ayurveda formulations they are directly linked with the formula descriptions. However users can search plants through the TEXT BASED SEARCH explained earlier. EXHAUSTIVE GLOSSARY NLAM database also provides exhaustive glossary explaining various Ayurveda terminologies and medicine production methods. It has friendly Help-Module which ensures that the user understands terms as per Ayurveda terminologies. PLANT INFORMATION AS PER ICBN NLAM database describes plants used as ingredients in medicine preparation from Ayurveda perspective with strict adherence to ICBN (International Code for Botanical Nomenclature). Plant families, genus, species have been further interlinked with GRIN database. METAL, MINERAL, GEMSTONE INFORMATION. Metals, Minerals and Gemstones used in Ayurveda formulations have been described with proper co-relation with modern identifications. Each entity is interlinked with Wikipedia.org for further information. The Shodhan or Purification methods of Minerals, Metals and Gemstones have been described in detail. AYURVEDA TREATISE DESCRIPTION. Ayurveda treatises serving as a reference for medicines in NLAM database have been described as per their publication details and content description. Due to scarce information about Treatise , only releavant information from confirmatory sources have been updated. Authors of respective treatise have been described as per their period and other details. Since many of the treatises are not published on a standard scale, it is difficult to source exact information about each Author and Treatise. However as NLAM research progresses the details would be updated. MOBILE , HANDHELD DEVICE OPTIMIZED The repository is MOBILE, HANDHELD DEVICE OPTIMIZED which means you can view it on your handheld device, PDA, Iphone, Ipod etc. The repository has in built intelligent redirection on basis of device detection so there is no need of separate web-address. STANDARD NLAM REPOSITORY FEATURES Preparation methods of Ayurveda formulation are provided with near English translations from original Sanskrit works and other Indian Languages. Formulation Ingredients have been explained in detail and illustrations provided as available. Taxonomical co-relation of discussed Ayurveda Plants with inter-linking to GRIN taxonomy database wherever applicable. Grouping of disputed Ayurveda plants with respect to botanical identity with probable discussions wherever applicable. Scientific co-relation of discussed Ayurveda Mineral, Metals and Gemstones with interlinking to Wikipedia.org wherever applicable. Detail information of the source Ayurveda Treatise is provided as available. Authors of source Ayurveda treatise have been discussed. Glossary about various Ayurveda terms is provided for easy understanding. Text based search built from the scratch with keywords generated on laws of Sanskrit grammar to ensure correct matches for phoenitic variations resulting in multiple pronounciations and subsequent spellings. Advanced Search-Module is prepared to enable users to access data in an interactive manner. Repository navigation interface provides user with intelligent data mapping to access detailed information of a particular formulation. POINTS THAT ARE TO BE COVERED NLAM repository is divided into 3 PHASES of active development and is in PHASE-3 development as of January-2009. Hence the following data is not covered which would be updated as per subsequent phases. Asava/ Aarishta (Medicated wines), Paak/ Avaleh (Sugar syrup, Linctus preparations), Ark (Distilled preparations) or in general Herbal preparations falling under Bhaisajya Kalpana are not covered and would be done so in subsequent Phases Details about certain Treatise and their Authors have also not been updated due to requirement of more research. Common , Regional names of Plants to be included. Modern research data about Ayurveda formulations enlisted in NLAM repository to be included. Reference Sutras of each formulation described in Devnagiri/ Sanskrit scripts. Multi Lingual support for text based search and information. User/Vaidya/Practioner ratings about functionality/potency of each formulation to be included. I would sincerely request you to post comments and feedback through the feedback page on the website. If you wish to reciev regular updates from NLAM please register your email with NLAM by accessing the FEEDBACK PAGE
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