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  1. Thanks for your response! It is quite odd, but actually it doesn't go away upon scraping--it's actually seemingly attached to my tongue as uf my taste buds have grown like soft, white grass. It's not noticeable by anybody but me (I have to look really close), but it's still there. Anyone ever heard of this? Could it be candida?
  2. Like trying to tell people about the inside of a building without walking through the entrance.
  3. Hare Krishna All, Recently, I've taken a close look at my tongue and have noticed that it has a white coating. Upon even closer inspection, it looks like a dense field of small, white, stringlike threads. I would say that it could have been like this for a year or two, I just haven't noticed. As far as my prakrti, I'm a vata type with slight pitta tendencies, and am currently working on bringing excess vata into balance. Does anyone know what this tongue fur might signal? Any help would be tremendously appreciated. Namaste, amdav
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