Webyogiji, thanks for your suggestions.
Sasiji, thanks for letting me know how to look at the strength of a planet. Usually, I look at the shadbala, SAV & BAV points in Jagannath Hora software. But this information certainly helps.
Thanks for the information. On question I have is whether the entire Venus dasha would be bad (which would be bad since it lasts for 20 full years)?
I think your point of Jupiter not being in a good mood though posited in the 9th house may also explain why I have to work hard and don't have intrinsic luck. This may also explain why my business pursuits are not successful(7th lordship) and why I don't get recognition at my workplace based on my potential(10th lordship).
I guess wearing a stone may not help since Venus also has 12th lordship. What do you say?
Thank you very much for suggesting the remedies. I will surely follow them.
Another general question please. Wherever I have given my horoscope, people have told me that a woman may cause my downfall.
Also, if I have an affair, that will ruin me.
Does anyone what indicates this in my chart?
Thanks for all your help.