I am unsuccessful in getting a job. What can be the resaon and when I get get a job. What shall I do other than the above remedy to get a job.
DB : 11/29/1964
time : 00:10 (midnight)
Place : broach
I did post this question earlier and got the reply from many gurus also. But, I am writing it once again as I am not getting the job and getting failures at the end. Nothing seems to be working?
Please help me and let me know what shall I do and when will I really get a job?
please help.
I am not able to make a positive move even though I had attended interviews. At last moment it is gone and gets a NO reply from company. I am depressed. I don't think I will get a job.
Thanks a lot for all your support and guidance.
Today will be my last day at my job. upset a bit as the market is too bad, but still keeping all my worries to God and will put all my efforts to get a job soon.
Thanks once again,
I am doing "OM NAMO BHAGVATE VASU DEVAYA NAMAHA" almost like whole day whenever I am free or travelling to office. But I will also remember the one gave by you and receite it.
Hi sivananthamA
Make prayers to Anjaneya ... means Hanuman?
Also Sakata Yoga is there when I checked my chart. But truly speaking I did not felt much impact in the past, as I had a steady job history, but yes not much financial benefit. Can I know what remedy I should do to lessen the impact?
Thanks WebYogi,
Just for clarification, currently I am running Jupiter Mahadasha till 2013-04-07 and Chandra sub period till 2009-12-06.
Also, today was my last at job, but in the morning I got an extension agian for a week. till 6th march.
Thanks 1r1a for your reply,
I am God loving person and I regularly pray in the morning. But still I am depressed as the situation is very bad and Not getting enough opportunity to look for a job.
There are chances of my extension of contract in the current company, but it all depends on boss agian. I can just hope for the best.
Thanks a lot.
DB : 11/29/1964
time : 00:10 (midnight)
Place : broach
Currently living in USA. I am trying to secure a job, but not able to get succeed. My last date in my current job is 27th feb. I am worried, I am going to be out of job. When will I be going to succeed in getting a job?
please help.
DB : 11/29/1964
time : 00:10 (midnight)
Place : broach
Currently living in USA. I am trying to secure a job, but not able to get succeed. My last date in my current job is 27th feb. I am worried, I am going to be out of job. When will I be going to succeed in getting a job?
please help.