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  1. The source rests in emptiness OM “I AM” awakens The thought investigates the self The self divides itself: 1 2 4 8 etc. Creation is happening While the source rests in it’s own nature Still doing nothing This is the source that all that exists comes from. This is God. The divided self enquires: Who am I? The “I” comes from the source All the divided selves starts identifying itself as source. Here we are, now. Awakened. Enlightened. ThankYou Ramana Maharshi, Papaji, Mooji and Eckhart Tolle. Please feel free to write your take on creation. Would love to hear what scriptures say, too.
  2. I think most christians misunderstand this term, because apocalypse means actually revealing, think it is a time when every truth will be revealed, and the kingdom of god will once again be seen on earth.
  3. from wikipedia: In Buddhism, the realization of emptiness of inherent existence is a "state of pure consciousness” in which the practitioner realizes all particular objects and images to be appearances of the subjective mind. Buddhism, which posits that the ultimate state is a Nirvāṇa of peaceful emptiness has one of the most developed philosophies of emptiness. In an interview, the Dalai Lama stated that Tantric meditiation can be used for "heightening your own realization of emptiness or mind of enlightenment". In Buddhist philosophy, attaining a realization of emptiness of inherent existence is seen as the permanent cessation of suffering, i.e. liberation.
  4. Think this is a good question, there is always something that is "needed", but I think if u go away from the desire, then you start seeing it in a different light, like, what do god want me to do?, is this beneficial for the consciousness?, and you act based on this, and not from the desire thought. So I don't think the feeling of "missing something" should arise, then there is no need to go hunting for something. When you don't desire, you have everything that is beneficial inside of you, and outside of you. And you get what is beneficial out of knowledge, and not out of desire.
  5. Desire is the origin of all miseries, because desire means that you do not have something, it means that you want something. Be happy with what you have, and the only thing you have is this moment, everything can be put into this moment. There is nothing to desire, nothing to look forward to, nothing that is going to happen. Even the desire for the self is wrong, the desire for God is wrong, the desire for enlightenment is wrong, because it is allready found in the now. When a person gets enlightened, he realises that it was allready there, he had just forgotten about it. When the desire for the “I” is extinguished, one merges into the ocean of Total Awareness. Who am I? Is a beautiful question and this “I” comes from the self turning against itself and wondering “what is this?” “it is I”, and in doing this one seperate one from the self, because one looks at oneself in the distance. And then one goes further away by desiring to get it back. So the reversal of this process is the upheaval of everything you have ever done, you surrender everything to God, and in doing this, you go back into emptiness.
  6. it helps me remember more sometimes, I always said that it is a help, not the way. I don't want this to be about entheogens, I posted this wonderful spiritual experience on this forum earlier and they deleted it, and they have closed the other threads, so I guess someone got an overdose of it. It's all about god in the end anyway, and whatever fruit you present with love to the lord he will accept. The best gift to the lord is the fruit of your actions. I always wanted to learn to travel out of my body and into the astral realm by meditation, does some guru actually know how to learn someone do this?, I know it is possible. Maybe I should just sit down meditating until it happens, how long would this take? I was incarnated in my past life on Neptune in a lower astral vibration, the main god there is Varuna, there is no wars, the education was perfect, and we had means of travel outside our bodies, so there still is some physicallity.
  7. I was meant to be awakened to my past lives in this incarnation, so it's not about entheogens, had a spiritual crisis that lasted for two months when I started remembering, I am here on earth now partly as a result of me killing a person in the 1700's. But other than that I have done good in previous incarnations, and from what I have heard, this may be my last incarnation in this sort of place, at least I have stopped killing animals and eating meat, so that should help. I am meditating everyday, meditation is absolute necessecary. When I was informed that I should come to earth, it is one of the worst thing a being can experience, but I am very happy now that I have remembered, and my whole reality seems so much brighter because of this. I still miss those other places, but I should try to learn to see this world just as I saw the world on those other planets I have been on, this place truly can be like heaven, if seen through the right eyes.
  8. Fine, I'll say it. I learned this from my past life on another higher planet. We learned about everything concerning the gods, yes I do remember past lives, and many of them, more than I can count. Sorry I didn't have the guts to say it earlier.
  9. We are all babies in the eyes of god.
  10. I just tried, and have to admit that the tulsi tea and the mantra goes very well togeter, made me laugh:) Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare Still don't think that you should go calling one plant good, and another evil.
  11. Most people in this world doesn't even know about the existence of a god, this could be considered craziness, and the cure may well be a holy mushroom
  12. I tried Psilocybin once, one of the most ecstatic experiences I have had, at the beginning it started sorting my thoughts into different categories in tune with a rhythm. And then I felt my skin become one with the energy of the mushroom, and expanding beyond my body, maybe this is why it is called flesh of the gods.
  13. "By offering Lord Krishna a single Tulasi leaf, one attains the result of offering Him every flower and leaf that exists." why should it be old, and fallen? I am interested in all of this, can't seem to find where to order dried leaves on the internet. I have Tulsi Mint Yogi Tea right in front of me now, would this be just as good?
  14. I love all the plants, especially Blackcurrant and Strawberry. Salvia just happened to be the plant that I used yesterday, and therefore I have written much about it.
  15. Well I would never kill an ant. And I realised this from Cannabis use, over time cannabis changed me, and has with a lot of other people too, they go from war-mode to peace-mode. You talk about me as I'm addicted, I use entheogens rarely, I have only used cannabis 3 times for the last 2 years. Salvia does not have any addictive properties, and neither do any other entheogen, Cannabis is the only one that people have a tendency to get addicted to. Addiction arises because of the addiction to the body.
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