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  1. That's a nice poster too, but the one I'm looking for is at night in the moonlight. Haribol.
  2. He is performing kirtan along with Nityananda Prabhu and other Associates in the moonlight in a forest area. It has a dark bluish color to it. If anyone knows which one I'm talking about, do you know where I can purchase it online? I tried looking at http://krishna.tv under their posters section, but they didn't have it. Thanks. Haribol.
  3. Time of Sri Rama' Appearance Q: Have you heard of the time interval between Rama and Krsna avatars? A: (Gerald Surya) It is commonly assumed that Rama appeared in the previous Treta yuga. Many sources (Rupa Gosvami, Devi Bhagavata, Brahmanda Purana, etc.) say Rama appeared in the 24th cycle. Krsna appeared in the 28th cycle. The interval = 4 caturyugas + 1 Dvapara yuga + some of Treta yuga comes out to between 19 and 20 million years. source: http://www.veda.harekrsna.cz/encyclopedia/tattvas2.htm#7
  4. It is the ripened fruit of the desire tree of Vedic knowledge. http://vedabase.net/sb/
  5. Yes, They were. "Two Lords, Nitai-Gaurachandra." /images/graemlins/smile.gif I heard this was the only ISKCON temple where They are in the center, not sure though. Here's the arrival address given by Srila Prabhupada in 1975: http://harekrishnatemple.com/modules.php?name=Downloads&d_op=getit&lid=15 Hare Krsna
  6. Here in Atlanta (New Panihati Dham) GauraNitai are in the center, Jagannatha Baladeva Subhadra on the left and Radha-Madana Mohan on the right. It was kind of strange the first time I went there because I had no idea who the two "Guys" in the center were. But now I love it, wouldn't have it any other way. Hare Krsna
  7. Here's the link to the radio program Stonehearted mentioned. I finished listening to it and it's pretty funny. http://www.thislife.org/ra/182.ram
  8. Haribol Haridham, You can send the link for the picture: http://home.primus.ca/~caitanya/Nrsimha.jpg Notice gHari's homepage, where the picture is located: http://home.primus.ca/~caitanya /images/graemlins/cool.gif Hare Krsna
  9. Of course, I understand. Haribol.
  10. MS, Thanks for the link, it's kind of like cliff notes for the Srimad Bhagavatam. Haribol.
  11. gHari, Wow, your son is Jay Stevason. He is an amazing skater. Here I am asking whether you know who Tony Hawk (my hereo) is. By the way, I love his video game series, "Tony Hawk Pro Skater" and am planning to get the new one "Tony Hawk's Underground." And you're son actually competes(ed) with him and other skaters that I emulate! You must be proud of him!! ...SDL connection...lol. Hare Krsna!! haha.
  12. g(n)Hari, 2340!! haha. Do you know who Tony Hawk is? He is an amazing pro skater...I saw him do a 900 on TV a while back.
  13. I was just thinking, you know when doctors declare a person as dead, is it possible for the soul to still be in the body? For example... "Toddler revived after being pronounced dead". I hope this is not common.
  14. What is the most admirable profession?
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