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  1. Good to see India Divine back. Rahu still playing with me. HELP Needed....
  2. Thanks a lot for all your kind views. I applied and followed them. Kindly suggest me current situation of chart. Thanks
  3. Thanks a lot for all your kind views. I applied and followed them. Kindly suggest me current situation of chart. Thanks
  4. One of my call center project started last month around 12th march and suddenly it got stopped on 10th April. Financier/call center owner backed out of it. And he closed his center. My struggle still going on with this geting something and loosing it. Help !!!!!
  5. Thanks mylilangel, I will surely follow on your warning, as I have suffered heavily in shares few weeks back. What area you feel good for me to do business? currently I am into bpo-call center business and real estate consulting. I am doing loan project alongwith US client with Indian call center. I had suffered heavily in mid of 2007 when US market collapsed. Now am restarting. I love media line too.
  6. Thanks Shyam ji. I have already suffered from jaundice at end of 2007, And in april 2008 had my hand fractured. DOnt know what will happen in 2009. Thanks for your precious advice, I will definitely follow your solutions.
  7. Thanks for your precious time and advice. I will follow your direction for coming out of troubles. When is right dasha coming? coz am into business and have to take risk. I just lost good amount in share market too.
  8. Thanks mylilangel I wish your learning is going in right direction, and surely I will follow your remedies. Can you just go through my details and check when can my time start in +way as currently i loose alot in doing my business. Then my mind runs in different direction like nazar lagna or tona etc. I feel like am infected by it. And should I wear ruby or gomed? loss of money is on high rate. And whats chapter 1 of Durga saptshi? I dint find chandi path in it. Thanks
  9. my dob is 26/01/1980 birth time is 11:40 am birth place is (hisar) haryana Kindly check the charts
  10. should i wear ruby as adviced by known relative?? Thanks
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